Sunday, September 03, 2006

Done, Done and Done!

Most writers have that Dreaded Trunk Novel, the one they started but can't seem to get quite right. It haunts them, remaining on the fringes of our subconscious, never letting us forget of its existence. Because one day, dammit, it will be good enough.


I pulled my trunk novel out its virtual trunk (the dreaded Idle Ficion Ideas folder) a few weeks ago, and began a total re-structure and polish. Scenes were moved, deleted and added. I added a frame to the existing story that encapsulates a major theme of the novel. I removed every "suddenly" from the manuscript, and removed some erronious moments of telling.

I think my baby is ready to present to the world. I just can't tell for sure. My beta has read two different incarnations of this story, so (as much as I love her) it's difficult to judge its improvement by her (always welcome) opinion.

(see how I suck up?)

I suppose finding a second beta is the way to go. Someone who can read a contemporary novel with fresh eyes, and give an honest opinion of the story. Is there a hotline I can call? Something like 1-900-RENT-A-BETA?

Hmmm...sounds like tropical fish store.


Dama Negra said...

I'll happily work for chocolate :D

Kelly Meding/Kelly Meade said...

Alas, my friend, all I can offer is virtual chocolate. I don't think the real thing would make it across the border. :p

But if you'd really like to take a crack at it, PM me.

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Sounds of Serenity said...

You too can enjoy endless hours of someone telling you what a wonderful writer you are! :P This beta would give you an honest opinion, but you're right, since I know it from the beginning, it might be colored a bit. ;)