Thursday, November 02, 2006

Another Nanite Joins the Fray

I am very excited about participating in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this year. I attempted the exercise last year, and fell on my face. My creative energies were just not in my chosen project, so I quit after about 15,000 words written (that WIP has since passed the 55k mark, so Yay, me!).

This year, it's a different story (literally and figuratively).

Serenity and I finished the first draft of our co-written, 114k word novel, The Third Side: Trinity, just a few weeks ago. I have never had so much fun writing a story, and we spend the two weeks leading up to NaNo plotting out Book Two. The characters are exciting, the world intriguing, and the storyline engaging (okay, so maybe I can't give an unbiased opinion here). I'm so glad I can spend the month in the minds of these folks, telling another story about them.

Plus the chemistry between Jeremiah and Alannah is positively explosive.

As of right now, we are 6160 words into the novel, with twenty more minutes of writing time until Grey's Anatomy. Not bad for two days work.


Sounds of Serenity said...

My co-writer is awsome, don't y'all agree? :D I agree with how much fun it has been (and will continue to be). I never thought I could write a book.

Damn good thing I was wrong. :)

Rashenbo said...

So, how's it going on your first Nano attempt?

Kelly Meding/Kelly Meade said...

Hi rashenbo,

We're about 35k into our 100k goal. One third, and only eleven days down. Not too shabby, we just have to keep up the pace to make it.

Just no more weekends like that first weekend. I thought my wrists were going to fall off.