Friday, August 01, 2008

Let's See What August Brings (and hope it's awesome)

Cuz July kinda sucked eggs.

So far we're off to a ho-hum start. We planned a white water rafting trip today, since Serenity's never been and we're moving far from any potential rafting sites. Day started with us getting lost. Friggin' Yahoo!Maps had us going in the exact wrong direction, so we got there fifteen minutes later than we should have (but we weren't dead last, so all was well).

It was a fun trip down the Potomac River, coming out where it meets the Shenandoah at Harper's Ferry, WV. Fun, but not exciting. We had one Class-3 rapid at the end of the trip. Most of them were Class-1 and 2. Two sections of just flat water that required lots of paddling. We were able to get out about halfway and swim down a section of the river. I swallowed some water on the second trip down. Hit my butt on a rock both times.

Again, fun, just not a river I'd do again unless the water was up to more Class-3 and 4 rapids. Definitely the mildest of the four river trips I've been on (elsewhere in WV, PA, and NC).

Now that I have my Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee, I'm starting to wake up. Maybe get some writing done.


Anonymous said...

I once fell down a class 5, and my very first time in a kayak I negotiated several class 4s upside down.

Kelly Meding/Kelly Meade said...

Upside down? Holy crow!