While the rest of the Md-Atlantic was getting pelted by Tropical Storm Hanna, we were only getting her fringes. A few hours of heavy rain and wind, followed by a mild night (Sunday, by contrast, was gorgeous). So what are two storm-prepared women to do when the squall they've prepared for turns out to be a small throat-clearing?
Drive down to Ocean City, Maryland, and take pictures of the Inlet/Boardwalk. And from the pic below, you can see we weren't the only ones out and about.
Rain smacked us, sand pelted our legs, and we left thoroughly soaked and sticky, but it was quite fun. I've never seen that parking lot so deserted. A few brave businesses were still open, but most of the Boardwalk had shut down. There was even one idiot out in the water, trying to surf. Needless to say, he didn't succeed.
For all of the prep, Hanna stayed to our west and actually drenched NoVa. Right were we used to live. I joked with my roomie that "our Hannah went home."
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