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My review
rating: 5 of 5 stars
Before anyone asks, no, I'm not being nice just because Jeaniene gave me a great blurb. AGE was, in fact, an awesome read. I'm truly hooked on her Night Huntress series, and I can't wait for the next installment.
This one really twisted heroine Cat Crawfield through proverbial wringer, from the first act torture session with her vamp-Dad Max, to the emotional, third act turmoil of believing Bones was dead. I love me some angst, and AGE really delivered on all fronts.
I also really love how the author is developing the complicated relationships between the different vampires. Bones, Menchares, Annette, Ian, Spade, etc...and how the different lines are connected and interact. Every novel peels back a few more layers on this crazy vamp/ghoul underworld, and I love it.
Tate's becoming quite the complicated emotional mess. Justina and Rodney made me laugh out loud, just like Bones, when, dalliance was revealed. And how awesome was it to have Dracula as a character?
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I really dug how Jeaniene developed the character of Vlad (including Cat's taunting at the end), and I'm hoping we'll see him show up in the future. :) Doc could easily become one of my favorites, too (but I'm a sucker for cowboys, which is how he strikes me).
Tate, well. I hope Tate gets his own story at some point and doesn't continue to exist as a thorn in Bones's side. And, of course, I'm worried that Max is still being tortured and therefore has the possibility to escape and continue to be a horrible, violent, depraved troublemaker. But we'll see!
Horrible, violent, depraved troublemakers are the only kind worth keeping around. *evil grin*
And yes, I'd love to see Tate get his own story. Maybe after Jeaniene writes Spade and Menchares's books. We can hope, right?
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