Monday, June 15, 2009

Memory Lane

So my Google-Fu turned up a nostalgic article from "The Cape Gazette," the local paper where I grew up. Dated July 6, 1994, it announced me as the grand prize winner of our middle school's Accelerated Reading Program.

Basically, we read books from a specific list, then took computer tests on those books. We were awarded points based on how many questions we got right, the length of the book, the reading level, etc... I was always a voracious reader, and I remember taking tests almost every day during that program. Sometimes several tests per day. I was never an athletic child, so reading was something I could be good at, something I thought I could even be the best at.

I suppose it's just another one of those little sign posts that should have pointed me toward this current time in my life--being a published novelist. Thank you, Milton Middle School.

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