Anya came home from the vet a few hours ago, sans feeding tube! *Snoopy dance* Everyone at the office was so kind and thrilled that she's recovered from this crazy nonsense that was plaguing her, and we all hope to not see each other again until it's time for her next regular checkup. I want to say a huge and heartfelt THANK YOU to the staff at both Berlin Animal Hospital and the Atlantic Veterinary Emergency and Referral Center for everything they did for us.

There she is! The sweater is still on to protect her bandage, but both can come off in a day or two! I barely remember what she looks like without that on! Ha!
Anywho... So as I said in yesterday's post, I'm jumping back into the swing of things with blogging and interaction.
This is the best news I've had all year. Seriously. So to celebrate, I'm giving stuff away.
First giveaway is the GOOD NEWS GIVEAWAY. All you have to do is comment on this blog post, and tell me some good news. It can be as simple as the awesome plasma TV you just bought with your tax refund money, or as complicated as...well...whatever. If it's good news, I want to hear about it!
I will randomly select a winner from everyone who comments with their good news, and that winner shall receive a signed copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD, two Dreg City buttons, and a second, surprise book. Comments are open until noon, Tuesday, March 23, and I'll post the winner that night.
So tell me your good news!
KELLY! My good news is that I'm 1/3 of the way through writing my third book as of today! And I did it sitting by the pool! Woohoo! I'm glad your kitty is OK.
glad to hear the kitty is doing well. well my good news is one, we actually did get a new tv and we might be moving into a house, oh and hopefully a new baby by the end of the year.
My good news is that my youngest son is separating from the Air Force and is going to come for a short visit at the beginning of April before he starts his new job!
BTW, did you name the kitty Anya after the character in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
I'm happy to hear that your cat is doing well! My good news is that my finals for this quarter will be over with tmrw! My freedom is so close!
Kudos on the healthy kitten!
My good news is that my new book Review Blog is really taking off! Not a huge following yet, but I'm getting there!
Kate aka YzhaBella
So glad your baby is doing better! My good news...I'm almost done with Three Days to Dead and am thoroughly addicted!! I owe Bob Jones a drink for recommending it!
big congrats on your kitty getting better. my good news was that my refund was posted today. I expected it in two weeks so that I got it today was way cool. And my surgery on the 9th went well.
But she looks so stylish and warm in her sweater - what if she doesn't want to take it off? *hugs to kitteh*
Okay, good news...well, for a story idea, I needed to come up with a med-tech thing, and make it sound as realistic as possible. And according to my source, it is sounding rather realistic, even though it doesn't exist! :-)
My good news is that my husband just brought home six books from the library. So I will have something to read while waiting for your next book to come out.
Good news, eh? Well, I can think of several things good.
1. On March 24th, my husband & I will celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary!
2. One of our "babies" is a cat named Tigger ... who is 19.5 years old! It's good news that we still have him. (Or is it that he has us??)
3. I was so scared this year that we might have to PAY taxes, but it turns out we're getting a refund of around $1000.00!!
4. And last but not least, I don't have much longer to wait until I can get your next book! C'mon July 27th!!!
BTW, I'm glad your kitty is doing better!
Great contest! My good news, my birthday was last week and I got to talk to all six of my children, even the one on active duty managed to find a phone.
My good news - I just saw the cover to your next book As Lie the Dead, and I like it. Coming out soon? in 2010?
Glad your kitty is better, she sure is cute.
Okay, I have some really good news. I came home for work to find my granddaughter (three years old) visiting us for the weekend. That's great news.
Good News? I just woke up and It looks like my migraine is gone *touches wood*...I've been suffering all week long from this killer migraine. So it feels like heaven right now *sigh*
I'm so glad your kitty feels better, I know how it is to see your beloved pet suffer.
Hooray for Anya!
Good news, eh? Well, not to get all dramatic, but I know longer live in fear of being kidnapped. It's undescribable what a difference that makes on your quality of life. The little things like finding a job and being apart from my husband seem minor in comparison.
Kevin - Yay, you! Keep at it!
Star Shadow - Woot! Good luck with the new house and (hopefully) new baby!
Glinda - Awesome news! And yes, Anyanka is named after my favorite vengeance demon. We got her the same spring Buffy went off the air. :)
jeanette8042 - Good luck with finals!
YzhaBella - Yay! Good luck with the blog!
Jerrilynn - Cool! I will have to buy Bob a drink at Shore Leave to thank him!
Pamk - Woot for refunds! And glad to hear your surgery went well. :)
Tez - Thanks awesome about the story tech! Yay! And trust me, Anya wants the sweater off. She's ripped enough holes in it....poor thing...soon!
Susan - Woot for books!
Debbie - What an awesome list of good news! So happy for you!!!
Zonell - That's great to hear! Happy belated birthday!
Mardel - Yep, new book comes out July 27th. And yay for granddaughter visits!
pattepoilue - Phew! My roomie gets migraines, so my sympathies.
Melanie - Um, yeah, I'd say that's good news! *hugs*
Thanks for the kitty wishes, the good news, and for playing, guys!
Congrats on Anya! I'm glad she is okay!!
The good news is that we didn't get enough snow to shovel. It just melted right off the sidewalks...yes!!!
This is WONDERFUL NEWS! I am so happy for you and Anya. I know how worried you've been. Fantastic. Please give her a cuddle from me.
I went out last night to pick up the newly released New Moon. There was a party and everything. It was really exciting.
I already have Three Days to Dead, but I still want to share my good news. I had a glucose intolerence test recently, and passed with flying colors. I'm not diabetic, nor even pre-diabetic - ice cream here I come!
Congrats on Anya's recovery, I know it's a relief.
I picked up the newly released New Moon last night. It was really exciting. There was a party and everything.
Kelly I'm so happy for you and Anya! I can relate as my bunny Inara had serious diarrhea (which for bunnies is a big deal and if not treated right away can be fatal). Thankfully after 10 days of antibiotics she is feeling much better and is back to her happy binkying self.
I am glad that kitty is well. And looking so cute~
My good news is that I got a compliment. And this is not just any compliment, but one by someone I respect a lot. It was just a simple thing she said, but it made me feel wonderful.
My other bit of good news is that I am on vacation in sunny Florida. I LIVE for Florida. And I am dead serious about that. Without this break I think I would go crazy. I would not be able to endure three more months of New England weather before summer really hit. I live for summer too, btw.
HEY! KELLY,my good news is that is that i am getting a new cat. oh and i am glad you cat is ok
luv cat!!!!
My good news? Well, it's Spring Break this weekend, and my family and I got to spend it together, at the lake, which is where I actually started reading Three Days to Dead. Loved it!
I actually have two bits of good news. One, I've lost like, 35 lbs. (go me!!!), and two, I just found out that due to a policy change at my University, I will be taking three less classes than I had planned. :Happy Dance: So glad to hear your kitty is doing well! ^.^
Great news. I hope she makes a full and complete recovery.
I'm not entering - my life is so full of good news and I own and loved your book. I just want to say, I've been following your cat drama and I'm SO glad and relieved for this outcome! And your cat is so lucky to have you. You perservered through so much where many would've given up.
Yay I'm glad the Kitten will be arlright, I hate it when my little ones are sick!
Good News, Well I'm leaving for Cuba with my BF on Tuesday actually lol. It's my first trip ever and I'm really excited!
Thanks for your generosity!
If I happen to win, would you hold on to me until March 30th? *winks*
Congrats that your kitty is doing better. We had a scare with our doggie a couple weeks ago and thought he might have to get surgery (stomach blockage) but now he's doing much better and no surgery is needed - yeah!
Congrats on your Kitty's health. You must be relieved.
Good news, Good news...My family will be coming to visit in two weeks. We are looking forward to seeing them.
Worldwide? Then I am in.
I am glad kitty is better, and that sweater is adorable!
My good news, well half way through my teacher trainee training
Glad to hear your kitty is doigng better.
Good news is I get to see my great-nephew today.I haven't seen him alot since he was born,so I'm excited to see him.
Katie – Lucky you! I'm just glad it's warmed up and I'm done shoveling snow for the next few months.
DragonKat – Thanks!
Ciara E. Laine – I know quite a few people who got their copies at midnight.
Barbara E – Congrats on passing your glucose test! Woot!
Jmspettoli – Yay for Inara!
Marianna – Sometimes the simplest compliments can be the most powerful. Good for you!
Viola – good luck with the new kitty!
Vicki – Yay for spring break! Glad to hear you loved the book!
LadyD – Woot! Go you!
Ralfast – Thank you!
Carolyn – I remember every day how blessed I am to still have Anya in my life. Thank you!
Tynga – That sounds like an exciting trip! (and yes, I'll hold the prize if the need arises)
Heather – So glad to hear your pup is doing well! Pet scares are terrifying.
Elie – Awesome!
Blodeuedd – Congrats on the training!
Elaing8 – Yay for seeing your nephew! I love every chance I get to see my niece.
I am so happy to hear your kitty is doing better!
My good news is that our small business is doing well enough for my husband to quit his current job and come work with me!
robin [at] intensewhisper [dot] com
Look at that gorgeous kitty sitting in the window. She is just adorable! I am so glad to hear she is doing so well, and she looks happy too.
My good news? Well, it has been a trying week here with out pet, she is a 12 year old rott. But, I think my good news is the weather is starting to change to spring. The warm sun is shining and the wind is starting to turn as well.
Love, love your kitten! Glad she's better too. ;)
Good news for me: I have had tons of books delivered to me over the past few weeks - they're all waiting for me to devour them. & I'm finally, finally getting caught up on certain goals of mine.
My good news is that I am going to buy a racing bike with part of my tax refund and just use the all terrain bike when biking with my small humans! I've really missed having a racing bike! :)
I’m so glad Anya is home and better!
My good news is my husband comes home from training tomorrow and will be taking time off from work. He has been so busy we haven’t seen much of him since New Years. The kids start spring break on Friday so I’m hoping we can have some fun :)
My good news is I don't have to search through a lot of cute puppies anymore to find the right one. My sister found the right one for me.
Now I just have to travel to Utah to pick her up and find a way to tell my 3 year old nephew who is falling in love with her, that the puppy is coming home with me, :)
So glad your kitty is better. :) my good news is my old phone died so I bought an Iphone! Now I can lay in bed and read great blogs like yours!
Robin K – That's awesome! Good for you guys!
Melissa – The weather is turning warmer here, too. Spring always feels like the world is waking up again after a long nap.
INCiDeNT – Yay for books and meeting goals!
Quill – Have fun with that bike!
Mama Bookworm – Yay for hubby home! I hope your family has a great time together!
Robsad79 – Puppies! Love puppies! Good luck with the adoption!
FICTION STATE OF MIND – Woot for the new phone! Very cool!
Thanks to everyone for participating and for sharing all of your good news! And thanks for all of the kind words about Anya. Every time I look at her, I remember just how lucky I am to still have her.
I'll have the winner's name up in a little while!
So I'm a little late. My good news is the work day is over and its time to relax!
Oh, Anya looks so sweet in her little jumper! Am so glad to hear she's recovering from what ailed her. What a cute kitty she is! :)
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