All sorts of interesting things are coming together today, and they all have to do with the number 2.
For instance, two years ago today I received an email about a manuscript that had been referred from an agent I queried to an agent she thought might be interested. Turns out he was, and within that email was an offer of representation. Okay, so it was like a week later that I officially said yes and mailed back the agency agreement, but it was my first ever offer and turns out it was the only one I needed. I couldn't be happier, so Happy Two-Year Anniversary to my amazing agent Jonathan Lyons.
Going along with the theme of two's, said amazing agent has also brokered two new deals for me in the last month. I can't talk about them quite yet, but soon all shall be revealed! Yay for good news!
Today also marks two months before the release of AS LIE THE DEAD, book two in the Dreg City series.

Eep! In a couple of days I'll be able to say my book comes out next month, and that's when panic set in last time. I haven't seen any reviews yet, but I sincerely hope it lives up to THREE DAYS TO DEAD. I think it does. But I'm slightly biased. *grin*
And if I really want to stretch this out, two relatives who live in Nashville (and whose house was spared flood damage) came out to visit last weekend, so I got to see them. One is a cousin who spent five months in Los Angeles learning to do makeup and styling and effects. Check out her awesome website!
So what's happening folks? Good news? Great news? Any news at all?
It is my Birthday so it is just a good day in general for me. :-D
Can't wait for As Lie the Dead!!!
Happy Birthday, Katie!!!
Can't wait to hear your good news, Kelly. :-D
No news for me. I'm in Slacksville (tm,pp) for some reason. :-/ Writing-wise, that is.
"sincerely hope it lives up to THREE DAYS TO DEAD"
I hope so to! :)
Seriously. Haha. I'm sure it will. I'm glad to know it's just weeks away from release. I hope I get to buy it! I know I'm looking forward to it, since I'm one of those people that just LOVED IT, as in "omy, this book kicked ASS!"
and congratulations on your mysterious new deals.
I just bough the first book. Looking forward to reading it. Expect a review soon.
i was looking for something to read while taking the train over memorial day weekend. lo and behold, on the second to last page of recommendations on amazon, i clicked on tdtd and took a chance. love it! you got a fan in me...when can we expect an excerpt of the second book?
Hi kylie! Glad to hear you took a chance and enjoyed the book. I have an excerpt for AS LIE THE DEAD posted here:
I hope to post another excerpt in the near future.
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