I have lots of stuff coming up in the next two weeks or so, including somethings going on right now. There's a fun interview up at Book Lovers, Inc, in which I'm answering questions about Evy, Wyatt, and their future shenanigans, so please stop by and ask me something. I'm giving away a signed copy of AS LIE THE DEAD to one lucky commenter!

The ladies at Book Lovers,Inc, were also awesome enough to post an ARC-review of AS LIE THE DEAD. There are very minor spoilers, and it's a great review, so thank you!
The characters are wonderful and the story is full of revelations and has it's fair amount of action. A highly recommended read that will keep you on the edge of your seat and won't let you stop till you read the last page.
Okay, I think I've used quite enough exclamation points for one post. *g*
PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Anyone who is waiting on a prize from me - everything is in the mail and should be arriving shortly.
Also, I'm happy to announce that Dreg City #3, ANOTHER KIND OF DEAD, has a release date. Brace yourselves. It hits stores July 26, 2011. I know it's a whole year from now, but I hope to write a couple of short stories in the interim to keep y'all jazzed for book three (I know I am, I just loooove the bad guy in this one).
Relieved to hear that you got the apartment...or is this different to the one you mentioned on Twitter? (You bribed the landlord with a novel ;-) )
This is the different, way better apartment. These folks were so easy to work with and my application was approved within two hours. Best thing = no upstairs neighbors!
Congrats on both the book and the move - and having your own office, that's awesome.
And great news on the apartment too!
Glad to hear there's a third one and I haven't even read the 2nd one yet! It's on my list of books to buy that week. A lot of good ones come out that same day! Can't wait!
Congrats on book, apartment and book release date!!! Whoop whoop
congrats on the upcoming release of As Lie the Dead & the new release date for book #3! I am looking forward to them both!
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