Today, I sit back and look over the journey it's been, getting this book into readers' hands. I wrote the first draft almost four years ago. I revised it quite a lot. I queried it. I revised it again. I trunked it. I signed with my agent and sold a different series. I pulled it back out and revised it again.
I sold it. Quite a different version from that first one, but the book it became is so much improved from what it once was.
And it's so pretty.
Thank you, everyone who helped bring this book to fruition. Thank you, especially, my loyal readers. This one's for you. :)
Managed to get my hands on Trance a couple days early and I have to say I think all your hard work was worth it. I have not finished it yet but I'm really excited to keep reading. It's cool to see a superhero book that is so different. Thank you for all the years and effort you put into this book.
Congrats on your newest release! Just got Another Kind of Dead and I'm starting the series over to get refreshed :)
My copy of Trance is winging it's way from Amazonland and I can't wait! Thanks for giving us such wonderful books and I can't wait to see what you come up with next!
Oh man - First, congratulations on your newest. New series or standalone?
Second - jeez, even though I haven't caught up on reading all your books, I've been buying them when I see them, thinking I'm going to have Meding Marathon one weekend...and now there's a new series? LOL. Wow, you've been busy and I feel like I haven't been paying attention!
Looking forward to read all the books though, :)
Almira - You're very welcome! I'm excited to be able to bring another superhero book to the genre! There just aren't enough yet. :)
erin - Thanks so much! I hope you enjoy AKOD, and Trance, as well!
Mardel - Trance is first in a new series. The second book, Changeling, comes out next summer (no release date yet). And no worries about catching up. My own To Be Read pile is brimming with favorite authors that I'm behind on reading. It's scary. *grin*
Once i read the first few lines of 3 days to dead i was hooked. I really like the characters and story and cant wait till the next 1, and when i have a slight problem with trance.......needed more pages lol, finished it in no time at all and ready for more, it was 1 of my fastest reads i think so hurry up please :) with that next one lol, and cant wait to see what else you can come up with.
Thanks for the comments, Tony! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed both books. The next MetaWars is in the pipe, is called CHANGELING, and it's due out June 26, 2012! :)
Congrats! I can't wait to purchase!!
- Crystal
I was browsing at the store the other day and saw Trance - so I bought it, even though I haven't yet finished all your other books. And THEN I see that you have coming out soon The Wrong Side of Dead, and I'm loving the cover. I plan to get going on the second Dead book within the next couple of weeks. I'm thinking it's time for a Meding Reading Marathon....(lol, that kind of rhymed! if your last name is pronounced with a long e, that is.) So Trance is up here on my shelf, my other two Dead books are on another shelf, and the first one (that I read and enjoyed so much) is on my keeper shelf. :) Lots to look forward to at least!
Mardel - A reading marathon sounds like fun! I get that way with some authors, where I get behind reading, collect a bunch of titles and then spend a weekend catching up.
My last name actually has a soft e sound, so it rhymes with "bedding." :)
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