Sunday, January 10, 2010

Book Signing: By the Numbers


There I am at my first signing! To my right (the left side of the picture) is a nice sign with my picture and the book title, as well as a basket of salt water taffy that's sort of glared-out. The B&N staff was amazing and Wendy, the CRM, was just a joy. She was very happy with the books we moved that day, and said it's been selling well since it was released (yay!). I've already been invited back for Book Two!

Some numbers for you.

Books Signed/Purchased from Stock: 16

Books Signed that were Pre-Owned & Brought In: 3

Store Stock Signed/Stickered: 4

Books Signed to another Kelly: 1

Number of People who asked Where's the Bathroom: 1

Number of People who asked Did You Self-Publish: 1

Number of People Who'd Almost Bought it Before Christmas, But Didn't Because They Had to Budget for Other Gifts: 2

Number of Adorable Little Boys Who Asked (after being prompted by his mom) What It's Like to be a Real Writer: 1

Number of Awesome Conversations I had About Writing: 2

Amount of Time It Took for the B&N Staff to Devour the Basket of Candy I Brought Them: 2 Hours


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly :)
Thank you for sharing! I love the picture. I'm so glad you had a successful signing. I didn't know that some bookstores had tables for people to read at.
I wish I could have been there.

Tez Miller said...

Aw, look at your awesome hair! :-)

TWO WHOLE HOURS? Bah! They weren't even trying. I'd expect it to be devoured in 10 minutes, but I'm ambitious in that way ;-)

Melanie Hooyenga said...

I'm so glad you posted a picture! It looks like you had a great first signing and AWESOME that you sold books. :) I just started it last night...

Carol S said...

Just finished reading the book - excellent read! Very good world building with good detail and lots of interesting characters - loved your take on bridge trolls too. :)
Can't wait to visit again - please say there's a second book in the works!

Kelly Meding/Kelly Meade said...

RK - Barnes & Noble stores have Starbucks cafe's inside of them. I was stationed near the cafe, which was such a temptation for me!

Tez - LOL! @ the two hours!

Mel - Cool! Hope you like it! :)

Carol S - The bridge trolls seem to be a popular favorite. I love them, too. The second book releases July 27th. I should have a cover and blurb soon. :)

Tyhitia Green said...

Wonderful, Kelly. It had to be exciting, right? ;-) Cool.

K. said...

Gratz on the book signing, Kelly! Glad to hear it went well, and you look amazing in that pic! :D

Zarah said...

1. Swede who laughed HARD at the preview of your book at FB and who wishes she'd been at the signing because - let's face it - she neeeeds that book and having it signed by the author would have rocked.

You're amazingly witty and eloquent! I love it!

Keep it up - I'll be buying! :D

Kelly Meding/Kelly Meade said...

DH - It was very exciting! Now that I've done one, I know what it's like and won't be so nervous next time.

Kelly - Thanks so much! It was taken right at the start, so I still looked fresh. And probably a tiny bit terrified. :)

Zarah - Thank you! I hope you enjoy it when you get a copy!

Unknown said...

Congrats on publishing your first book!

all the best,
Ben Rowland
(from LAFSC)