Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cover Art: As Lie the Dead

With only six months left until release (July 27), it's finally time to show off the cover for the second Dreg City book, AS LIE THE DEAD.

Feast your eyes...


I absolutely adore it! The cross necklace and knife are back, and I love the color scheme. Plus, Phineas! He's the winged dude in the background. You haven't met him yet, but you will (and no, he's not an angel).


Wendy said...

It is AWESOME! Congrats, Kelly!

Alexia561 said...

Gorgeous cover! Wish we didn't have to wait so long to meet Phineas, but will try to be patient... Is it July yet? *L*

Katy Came said...

Looks gorgeous. And he doesn't look like a flying monkey at all (despite what Mark Henry or Nicole Peeler say on Twitter) ;)

BeckySue said...

Now that is why some covers should be made into posters!

The Queen B said...

Love it!

Melanie Hooyenga said...

Wow!! I cannot WAIT to read it!

Melissa (My World...in words and pages) said...

Amazing cover! July just can't come soon enough! I like the play of light on the picture as well. A new character we need to meet too. EXCITING!!

Bill Barnett said...
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Bill Barnett said...

WOW! That is an amazing cover. I like that one even more than the first, Kelly!

Anonymous said...

AHHH it's GORGEOUS. Absolutely beautiful!

June Kramin said...

That is great! I really like who they have doing your covers!! I didn't know it would be out so soon! Awesome! (I'm sure you feel differently ;) )

Leslee said...

So cool! Can't wait!!!!!!!!!


Tyhitia Green said...

Love, love, love it! And I can't wait to buy it! :-D Oh, and read it. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly :)
Thank you for sharing the new cover!
It's gorgeous.
The best part is that it arrests the attention which will definitely increase sales!
All the best,

Lorel Clayton said...

Beautiful! You get the best covers. Congrats!

Abigail said...

Looks great! I'm hoping Phin is a gargoyle??

Kelly Meding/Kelly Meade said...

Thanks everyone! I'm stoked about this cover and the book itself.

Abigail - Phin is not a gargoyle. He's something else. *grin*

David W. Clary said...

Kelly, what's the tagline? I can't make out the key word there...

"In this war... (BLANK) is the most powerful weapon of all."

Kelly Meding/Kelly Meade said...

"In this war, dying is the most powerful weapon of all."

Considering the abilities (and insight) Evy gains from her death and resurrection, I think this tagline is awesome.

Ace said...

I still vote for flying monkey. We need more of them in UF.

Serenity Naturae said...

Wow that is AMAZING!!!
Is that the same necklace used in the first book?
and is it July yet :(

Kelly Meding/Kelly Meade said...

Serenity - It looks like the same necklace, yep! It's fancier than what I imagined, but it looks great on the covers!

Melissa nance said...

Are you going to count down this one as well? I have to say, I miss the TDTD widget! LOL

I've already told you this, but the book cover rocks! No harm in repeating myself. You know I do that anyhow... :-p

Serenity Naturae said...

It is an amazing necklace!!! do you know where they got it from so I can get my sister one? Since I've introduced her to the book she's been looking for one like it. (In fact I had to buy another copy since i don't think I'll ever get my first one back ¬.¬)

Jess Haines said...

Awesome! Love it, and can't wait to read it! :)

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

That's awesome! I like the reddish hue that's going on. It's different than the blue from the first book, but yet it still fits. Love it! Can't wait to read it!

alanajoli said...

Cover love! :)