No, it's not a false alarm like last summer. Nor is it a move across state lines like the summer before. It will be a move up the highway, to a town closer to my day job, my sister and her family, and to more than one grocery store (ah, bliss!). While I will miss the small, historic town I've made my home for the last two years (neighborhood dogs who come up to your door, a mailman who knows my name, antique shops right around the corner), I'm looking forward to the change.
This move will also mark the first time I'll be living completely alone (not counting my kitty). I've always had a roommate (or several, counting college), so having a place of my own will be quite the change. I've already found a nice, affordable apartment in a quiet complex, complete with a pool and weight room (the complex, not the apartment). The biggest task now is sorting all of my stuff, boxing up things that I can temporarily store at my parents house, and packing the stuff that's coming with me.
Have you ever divided up a household that's been together for seven years? Minus the emotional angst, it feels a bit like a divorce. Yes, my current roomie and I have lived together for seven years. I made a long list of things that I have, things that I don't have, and it's a strange and scary list. For example, I have two coffee makers, but I don't own a vacuum cleaner. I have a tool box full of stuff, but no phone for land lines.
Also? I have a lot of books. A lot. I've already packed up nine banana boxes worth, and I could probably fill at least five more. My arms hurt just thinking about carrying those up two flights of stairs....
All this doesn't happen until July 31. And between now and then, I have to launch AS LIE THE DEAD (five more weeks, my pretties!), which will include a lineup of guest blogs, interviews, and giveaways. I also have to pack and clean the house, and keep working on Evy #4. And we're reorganizing the stock room at the day job next week, so that's going to be exhausting.
Busy, busy, busy.
But I'm enjoying it. I'd much rather have Teh Busy than Teh Bored.
What else? For anyone in the Baltimore area, I'll be at Shore Leave, July 9-11, so if you see me be sure to say hello.
I've also committed to Dragon*Con again this year. Four words: Jim Butcher, Sam Trammell.
Check back later this week for a new giveaway to celebrate the release of AS LIE THE DEAD, and to mourn my birthday and the loss of my twenties!
Good luck on the move. Hope everything goes well.
It's been a fun 7 years of ups and downs (though more ups *than* downs!) and I'm dreading all my packing too! It's going to be weird to want to tell you something and not be able to shout down the hall/stairs!
Although, I would like to claim visitation rights to the cat... LOL
good luck on the move. I'm really looking forward to your second book coming out also.
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