I've mentioned before that I'm a huge fan of REPO! THE GENETIC OPERA. It's a fun, scary, morbid and lovely movie/musical, with awesome music numbers and an interesting lesson about beauty.
I also did a lengthy post elsewhere about a new film releasing in 2010 called REPO MEN. That REPO MEN is based on a novel by Eric Garcia, called "The Repossession Mambo," and besides the very, very basic premise (large corporation sells replacement organs for huge sums of money, and they repossess the organs when your outrageous payments are past due), the stories are wildly different.
Check it out.
I'm really excited for REPO MEN. There, I said it.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Cats are Carnivores
It's amazing how easily one can adapt to a new schedule. In my last post, I mentioned Anya and her feeding tube. Well, she needs to be fed about every 6-8 hours, which is how my brain has been dividing up my time for the last week and a half. Fortunately my shifts at work are somewhat short, so I'm able to manage the feeding schedule. First thing I do in the morning is fix her food; first thing I do when I get home and last thing at night is food. It feels a little surreal, but I don't mind.
She's getting stronger from the nutrition, and at her checkup yesterday I was told she hadn't lost any weight (yay!). They also have a diagnosis for her: inflammatory bowel disease. It can be caused by several things, but not least of which is a diet of all dry food--which she had.
Thanks to the awesome Larissa Ione, I had few research links at my disposal, and I definitely plan to shift Anya away from her all dry diet. I'd never given serious consideration to feline diet and nutrition before (always relying on my vet and/or bagged food labels to tell me things), but seeing things like "cats are carnivores" and "corn is cheap" spelled out for me really opened my eyes.
For anyone interested in the links, here they are:
I hope to post my Favorite Reads of 2009 post tomorrow at some point. I know I haven't blogged much this week, but between Anya and Christmas insanity...well, you know how it is.
Right now, Anya is staring at me. I'd better go pet her. :)
She's getting stronger from the nutrition, and at her checkup yesterday I was told she hadn't lost any weight (yay!). They also have a diagnosis for her: inflammatory bowel disease. It can be caused by several things, but not least of which is a diet of all dry food--which she had.
Thanks to the awesome Larissa Ione, I had few research links at my disposal, and I definitely plan to shift Anya away from her all dry diet. I'd never given serious consideration to feline diet and nutrition before (always relying on my vet and/or bagged food labels to tell me things), but seeing things like "cats are carnivores" and "corn is cheap" spelled out for me really opened my eyes.
For anyone interested in the links, here they are:
I hope to post my Favorite Reads of 2009 post tomorrow at some point. I know I haven't blogged much this week, but between Anya and Christmas insanity...well, you know how it is.
Right now, Anya is staring at me. I'd better go pet her. :)
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
The Good, the Bad, and the Awesome
Every great once in a while, awesome news comes along that helps take the edge off the bad stuff happening in life. Case in point:
The bad: We still don't know what's wrong with Anya. Her blood work came back on Sunday, and it was clean except for a slightly elevated white blood cell count. So she went back to the animal hospital yesterday for a scope procedure and biopsy of her stomach and intestines. Scope showed everything looked okay, except for what the Doc called a slight "pebbling" of her small intestines (which are normally smooth). We still have symptoms. Biopsy results should be in tomorrow or Thursday (hopefully Santa brings good, curable news).
Poor kitty also had a feeding tube inserted into her belly, since she hasn't eaten anything solid in two weeks.

The blue sock thing is to keep the tube in place and prevent it from snagging. It also shrinks her waist and accentuates the fur around her arms, so she looks like like a poodle when she stands up. But she's getting food, antibiotics, and nutrients, and so far (*fingers crossed*) she hasn't thrown anything up. (hasn't come out the back end yet, either, but we're waiting...)
Needless to stay, I didn't sleep much last night. Every time she moved, I woke up. But sleep's overrated, yes?
So what's the good?
The lovely Jackie Kessler passed along the heads-up that THREE DAYS TO DEAD is reviewed in the Feb. '10 issue of Romantic Times Book Reviews magazine. 4.5 stars, baby!!!!
Here's what they had to say (and there is a minor spoiler in the review, so if you hate spoilers, only read the first two sentences).
Oh yes, the other good news--I have seen a not-final version of the cover for AS LIE THE DEAD, and it is amazing. Once again, it's exactly what I was hoping for in terms of who and what. I think I love it more than the THREE DAYS cover.
Alas, I can't share it yet. But I just couldn't resist teasing!
The bad: We still don't know what's wrong with Anya. Her blood work came back on Sunday, and it was clean except for a slightly elevated white blood cell count. So she went back to the animal hospital yesterday for a scope procedure and biopsy of her stomach and intestines. Scope showed everything looked okay, except for what the Doc called a slight "pebbling" of her small intestines (which are normally smooth). We still have symptoms. Biopsy results should be in tomorrow or Thursday (hopefully Santa brings good, curable news).
Poor kitty also had a feeding tube inserted into her belly, since she hasn't eaten anything solid in two weeks.
The blue sock thing is to keep the tube in place and prevent it from snagging. It also shrinks her waist and accentuates the fur around her arms, so she looks like like a poodle when she stands up. But she's getting food, antibiotics, and nutrients, and so far (*fingers crossed*) she hasn't thrown anything up. (hasn't come out the back end yet, either, but we're waiting...)
Needless to stay, I didn't sleep much last night. Every time she moved, I woke up. But sleep's overrated, yes?
So what's the good?
The lovely Jackie Kessler passed along the heads-up that THREE DAYS TO DEAD is reviewed in the Feb. '10 issue of Romantic Times Book Reviews magazine. 4.5 stars, baby!!!!
Here's what they had to say (and there is a minor spoiler in the review, so if you hate spoilers, only read the first two sentences).
Meding delivers a thrilling urban fantasy full of desperate humans and menacing evil. Especially impressive are her worldbuilding skills, which she uses to deftly paint a portrait of a city on the edge of disaster. Readers will also be impressed by her strong depiction of Evy as a survivor who realistically handles not only the shock of being reawakened, but the trauma of a past rape and the barrage of new threats from all sides. (4.5 stars)
Oh yes, the other good news--I have seen a not-final version of the cover for AS LIE THE DEAD, and it is amazing. Once again, it's exactly what I was hoping for in terms of who and what. I think I love it more than the THREE DAYS cover.
Alas, I can't share it yet. But I just couldn't resist teasing!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Christmas Cheer
Anyone got some to spare?
Every time I look at a calendar, I have a hard time believing that it's December. Let alone more than halfway through December. This year has passed unbelievably fast, and I'm proud to say it's a year in which I'm pretty sure I read more books than watched movies. I wrote two books this year--neither contracted, but it was something to keep me in "writing shape" in between contract stuff. I'd hoped to write three, but a variety of stresses these last few months have made "fun" writing a little harder.
For those of you who are on Twitter, you've probably seen my kitty tweets. Vet still has no idea what's wrong with her, and naturally my kitty-mama worrying has stressed me right back into the cold I had at the end of November (which I don't think ever really went away). *reaches for tissue* This, of course, makes me not want to shop for the last of my Christmas list, or bake cookies/fudge like I do every year.
So how about spreading some holiday cheer? Jokes? Funny stories? What's something fun you did/are doing for Christmas this year?
Talk to me. :)
Every time I look at a calendar, I have a hard time believing that it's December. Let alone more than halfway through December. This year has passed unbelievably fast, and I'm proud to say it's a year in which I'm pretty sure I read more books than watched movies. I wrote two books this year--neither contracted, but it was something to keep me in "writing shape" in between contract stuff. I'd hoped to write three, but a variety of stresses these last few months have made "fun" writing a little harder.
For those of you who are on Twitter, you've probably seen my kitty tweets. Vet still has no idea what's wrong with her, and naturally my kitty-mama worrying has stressed me right back into the cold I had at the end of November (which I don't think ever really went away). *reaches for tissue* This, of course, makes me not want to shop for the last of my Christmas list, or bake cookies/fudge like I do every year.
So how about spreading some holiday cheer? Jokes? Funny stories? What's something fun you did/are doing for Christmas this year?
Talk to me. :)
Monday, December 14, 2009
Books, books and more books!
Author copies have landed. Hallelujah! So everyone who's been waiting for a copy from me for different giveaways (and I know there are quite a few of you), thank you for your patience! Your books will be in the mail tomorrow!
I still have quite a pretty stack left over, so stay tuned for more chances to win a signed copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD.
Oh, you want more chances right now?
Well, these aren't signed, but they are free!
Fantasy Dreamer's Ramblings has a giveaway for two copies. Just pop over and tell her what you're reading right now.
Fantasy Literature has a copy for one lucky commenter. Leave a question for an upcoming interview or mention some mockable music you listen to (you know you wanna).
Copy edits for AS LIE THE DEAD are finished, and will heading back tomorrow (big errand day for me). I truly believe copy editors are unsung heroes in the book world. They are amazing at catching the little things.
I've also been contemplating my Top 10 Reads for 2009. It's going to be a tough list. I read a ton of great books this year, the vast majority by authors new to me. Tough, tough, tough...
What are y'all reading, anyway? I haven't asked in a while. I'm halfway through SKIN GAME by Ava Gray.
I still have quite a pretty stack left over, so stay tuned for more chances to win a signed copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD.
Oh, you want more chances right now?
Well, these aren't signed, but they are free!
Fantasy Dreamer's Ramblings has a giveaway for two copies. Just pop over and tell her what you're reading right now.
Fantasy Literature has a copy for one lucky commenter. Leave a question for an upcoming interview or mention some mockable music you listen to (you know you wanna).
Copy edits for AS LIE THE DEAD are finished, and will heading back tomorrow (big errand day for me). I truly believe copy editors are unsung heroes in the book world. They are amazing at catching the little things.
I've also been contemplating my Top 10 Reads for 2009. It's going to be a tough list. I read a ton of great books this year, the vast majority by authors new to me. Tough, tough, tough...
What are y'all reading, anyway? I haven't asked in a while. I'm halfway through SKIN GAME by Ava Gray.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Who Doesn't Love Free Books?
Copy edits for AS LIE THE DEAD arrived today, so I get to sit down with them this weekend. I'm excited to go through this manuscript again. I love this story, because it really challenges Evy and the things she's been taught to believe. It also introduces a fun new character whom one of my betas has dubbed "the winged hawtness." It's hard to believe it will be on shelves in just a little over seven months!
Fifteen days until Christmas. ACK! Where'd the month go???
This close to Christmas, when our spending money has been spent on others, who doesn't love getting free stuff? Especially free books? That's what I thought. :)
There are two more giveaways happening right now for free copies of THREE DAYS TO DEAD.
The first is over at That's Queen Bitch to You. I hadn't heard of this blog before, but I like her style. I will definitely be visiting again. She's giving away one copy, and the contest ends 12/10, winner posted 12/11. So head on over!
The second giveaway is at Smexy Books. Mandi is giving away two copies, courtesy of the lovely folks at Random House. Leave a comment by Friday 12/11 in order to be entered!
Also, I received an email today that just made my entire week. For the upcoming Jan/Feb '10 issue of Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine, THREE DAYS TO DEAD is one of the books reviewed by Mr. Charles de Lint. *fannish squee!*
EDIT: Third giveaway! Goodness, you guys in the blogosphere are definitely showing me the love. *grin* Fiction Vixen has two copies of THREE DAYS TO DEAD to give away, so head over and tell her your favorite Urban Fantasy book or series. Contest open until December 20th!
Fifteen days until Christmas. ACK! Where'd the month go???
This close to Christmas, when our spending money has been spent on others, who doesn't love getting free stuff? Especially free books? That's what I thought. :)
There are two more giveaways happening right now for free copies of THREE DAYS TO DEAD.
The first is over at That's Queen Bitch to You. I hadn't heard of this blog before, but I like her style. I will definitely be visiting again. She's giving away one copy, and the contest ends 12/10, winner posted 12/11. So head on over!
The second giveaway is at Smexy Books. Mandi is giving away two copies, courtesy of the lovely folks at Random House. Leave a comment by Friday 12/11 in order to be entered!
Also, I received an email today that just made my entire week. For the upcoming Jan/Feb '10 issue of Fantasy & Science Fiction Magazine, THREE DAYS TO DEAD is one of the books reviewed by Mr. Charles de Lint. *fannish squee!*
EDIT: Third giveaway! Goodness, you guys in the blogosphere are definitely showing me the love. *grin* Fiction Vixen has two copies of THREE DAYS TO DEAD to give away, so head over and tell her your favorite Urban Fantasy book or series. Contest open until December 20th!
Monday, December 07, 2009
Bitten By Books
The folks and followers over at Bitten by Books are talking about THREE DAYS TO DEAD today. Stop on by and tell them how you'd feel if you woke up in a strange new body. And if you've had a chance to read it, there's a few questions for you folks, too.
Saturday, December 05, 2009
Weekly Round Up
Mother Nature is feeling a tad schizophrenic, I think. This past week we've had freezing temperatures, a tornado watch, torrential rain, bright sunshine and mid-sixties warmth, and now there's a small chance of snow. Oy.
Yesterday I spent a fun day Christmas shopping with my parents. We hit a local flea market first, and I found (to my delight) an omnibus edition of the 3-part Fear Street Saga. I loved Fear Street and Christopher Pike as a teen, so I'm pretty excited to sit down and reread this. I also picked up an anthology called "Werewolves," edited by Martin H. Greenberg. 22 stories featuring werewolves. I only recognized one author in the table of contents, but the stories look interesting.
After much successful shopping, we went back to my parents' house for dinner. My dad makes the best homemade spagetti sauce, and it's even better leftover. Then we watched the new Star Trek and, as predicted, both enjoyed it. My fourth viewing, and I still laugh at the funny scenes. Love this movie.
In book news, thank you to everyone who's mentioned book sightings in their area!
Anyone who still wants a chance to win a copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD, you can check out a few different giveaways. Pop over to SciFi Guy's blog where Kelly Gay and I gave a rundown of our post-release weeks (he's giving away 3 copies of 3D2D and one copy of The Better Part of Darkness, courtesy of our publishers). Literary Escapism is still taking comments on which part of Dreg City you'd like to explore most. Both deadlines are December 8th.
Amberkatze's Book Blog had a giveaway poll for book you'd most like to win, and THREE DAYS TO DEAD was selected. Woot! So there's a copy up for grabs there, deadline Sunday (12/6).
THREE DAYS TO DEAD also made it onto two author's Favorite Reads of 2009 lists. The fabulous Jackie Kessler and Melissa Marr gave the shout-out over at the Book Smuggers this week, so thank you, ladies!
I was also fortunate to come home and find two new reviews.
Bitten by Books has a lovely review up. I was fortunate enough to meet Carol at Dragon*Con this past year, and was able to get her an ARC to review. One line in particular really made me happy, as identity (self and otherwise) is a big theme in the book.
Last but not least, All Things Urban Fantasy has posted a very thorough and thoughtful review and a giveaway. She has three copies to give away, courtesy of Random House, and entry deadline is December 23rd. Stop by and tell her about a favorite Urban fantasy debut!
I think that's it for now.
Thank you, again, to everyone who's purchased and enjoyed THREE DAYS TO DEAD! Very soon I hope to post something and open up the comment section for Spoilers and book discussion. So if you have questions about the book, keep them in mind for that.
Happy reading!
Yesterday I spent a fun day Christmas shopping with my parents. We hit a local flea market first, and I found (to my delight) an omnibus edition of the 3-part Fear Street Saga. I loved Fear Street and Christopher Pike as a teen, so I'm pretty excited to sit down and reread this. I also picked up an anthology called "Werewolves," edited by Martin H. Greenberg. 22 stories featuring werewolves. I only recognized one author in the table of contents, but the stories look interesting.
After much successful shopping, we went back to my parents' house for dinner. My dad makes the best homemade spagetti sauce, and it's even better leftover. Then we watched the new Star Trek and, as predicted, both enjoyed it. My fourth viewing, and I still laugh at the funny scenes. Love this movie.
In book news, thank you to everyone who's mentioned book sightings in their area!
Anyone who still wants a chance to win a copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD, you can check out a few different giveaways. Pop over to SciFi Guy's blog where Kelly Gay and I gave a rundown of our post-release weeks (he's giving away 3 copies of 3D2D and one copy of The Better Part of Darkness, courtesy of our publishers). Literary Escapism is still taking comments on which part of Dreg City you'd like to explore most. Both deadlines are December 8th.
Amberkatze's Book Blog had a giveaway poll for book you'd most like to win, and THREE DAYS TO DEAD was selected. Woot! So there's a copy up for grabs there, deadline Sunday (12/6).
THREE DAYS TO DEAD also made it onto two author's Favorite Reads of 2009 lists. The fabulous Jackie Kessler and Melissa Marr gave the shout-out over at the Book Smuggers this week, so thank you, ladies!
I was also fortunate to come home and find two new reviews.
Bitten by Books has a lovely review up. I was fortunate enough to meet Carol at Dragon*Con this past year, and was able to get her an ARC to review. One line in particular really made me happy, as identity (self and otherwise) is a big theme in the book.
In a story teeming with life that skillfully examines death, Meding provides food for thought on what exactly makes us who we are.
Last but not least, All Things Urban Fantasy has posted a very thorough and thoughtful review and a giveaway. She has three copies to give away, courtesy of Random House, and entry deadline is December 23rd. Stop by and tell her about a favorite Urban fantasy debut!
I think that's it for now.
Thank you, again, to everyone who's purchased and enjoyed THREE DAYS TO DEAD! Very soon I hope to post something and open up the comment section for Spoilers and book discussion. So if you have questions about the book, keep them in mind for that.
Happy reading!
Thursday, December 03, 2009
Authorial Chit-Chat
As a final wrap-up to our 2K Event, Kelly Gay and I are over at SciFi Guy's blog chatting and answering questions. Doug, the awesome site owner, is also giving away copies of THREE DAYS TO DEAD and THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS, so hop on over and talk to us. Giveaway ends December 8th!
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Happy December!
Okay, seriously? Where has 2009 gone? I can't believe the year is almost over. Truly mind-boggling.
So a week's gone by since my book release, and I have to admit: I still wake up every morning and think "Dude, I have a book out in stores." Big thank yous, by the way, to everyone who's reported a book sighting (or multiple books). And yes, I admit to checking Amazon once a day just to peek. TDTD is holding between 81 and 95 on the Contemporary Fantasy top 100, which is exciting.
I'm guest blogging today at Literary Escapism. Folks who want to know about world-building and Dreg City, make sure you stop by. We're giving away a signed copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD.
There's also a new review up at Writings of a Wicked Book Addict, with some nice things about the book.
I've also started going over my "Read in 2009" list over on GoodReads. So far, I'm at 88. I'd hoped to read 100 books/novellas this year, but I don't know if I'll make it. Think I can read twelve more books in thirty-one days?
We'll see....
So a week's gone by since my book release, and I have to admit: I still wake up every morning and think "Dude, I have a book out in stores." Big thank yous, by the way, to everyone who's reported a book sighting (or multiple books). And yes, I admit to checking Amazon once a day just to peek. TDTD is holding between 81 and 95 on the Contemporary Fantasy top 100, which is exciting.
I'm guest blogging today at Literary Escapism. Folks who want to know about world-building and Dreg City, make sure you stop by. We're giving away a signed copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD.
There's also a new review up at Writings of a Wicked Book Addict, with some nice things about the book.
I've also started going over my "Read in 2009" list over on GoodReads. So far, I'm at 88. I'd hoped to read 100 books/novellas this year, but I don't know if I'll make it. Think I can read twelve more books in thirty-one days?
We'll see....
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Last Day on Suvudu
Popping in to remind everyone that the final part of my serialized story, "Pride Before Fall," is now up on Suvudu. Both stories have now been posted in their entirety. I hope you've enjoyed the peek into Evy's world.
In case you missed it before, "Pride Before Fall" starts here. And the first story, "The Hoarder," starts here. Both stories will be available on Scribd in late December.
Also, for folks who are still waiting for prizes from me, I'm still waiting on my author copies. I promise I'll get them in the mail as soon as that box of awesomeness arrives!
Speaking of which, the fabulous Jackie Kessler invited me to be a Dame for the Day over at the Deadline Dames blog. I'm talking about holidays and yes, a copy of 3D2D is up for grabs. Giveaway ends December 5th.
In case you missed it before, "Pride Before Fall" starts here. And the first story, "The Hoarder," starts here. Both stories will be available on Scribd in late December.
Also, for folks who are still waiting for prizes from me, I'm still waiting on my author copies. I promise I'll get them in the mail as soon as that box of awesomeness arrives!
Speaking of which, the fabulous Jackie Kessler invited me to be a Dame for the Day over at the Deadline Dames blog. I'm talking about holidays and yes, a copy of 3D2D is up for grabs. Giveaway ends December 5th.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Three Things
Thing #1.
My second serialized short story started yesterday on Suvudu.com. "Pride Before Fall" will be posted in five parts, just like "The Hoarder." You'll see more of Tybalt, the main character, next summer in AS LIE THE DEAD, but for now, I hope you enjoy.
Thing #2.
There's a special kind of happiness felt when you're told by a thirteen year-old girl that your book "is better than Twilight." And to then by told by a friend to whom you related the story than her fourteen year-old daughter agrees. Now, THREE DAYS TO DEAD isn't targeted to teens, but I like the idea of teenage girls identifying with a woman who takes charge of her destiny, rather than lusts after a guy and lets him control her.
Thing #3.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my fellow U.S. residents who are celebrating today!

I'm hosting today, so I have to get offline soon. Still have mashed potatoes, Mac-n-cheese, stuffing, and cracker dressing to prepare.
My second serialized short story started yesterday on Suvudu.com. "Pride Before Fall" will be posted in five parts, just like "The Hoarder." You'll see more of Tybalt, the main character, next summer in AS LIE THE DEAD, but for now, I hope you enjoy.
Thing #2.
There's a special kind of happiness felt when you're told by a thirteen year-old girl that your book "is better than Twilight." And to then by told by a friend to whom you related the story than her fourteen year-old daughter agrees. Now, THREE DAYS TO DEAD isn't targeted to teens, but I like the idea of teenage girls identifying with a woman who takes charge of her destiny, rather than lusts after a guy and lets him control her.
Thing #3.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING to my fellow U.S. residents who are celebrating today!
I'm hosting today, so I have to get offline soon. Still have mashed potatoes, Mac-n-cheese, stuffing, and cracker dressing to prepare.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Launch Day!!!
It's official. I'm a published author, and I am in bookstores. *dances*

There were sightings yesterday of THREE DAYS TO DEAD in two different Barnes & Nobles. My heart did a little pitter-patter when an online acquaintance sent me a picture of their shiny new purchase.
What am I doing to celebrate? Buying groceries for Thanksgiving dinner.
No, seriously. After that, the day is mine.
Be sure to check out the lovely and hilarious Nicole Peeler's site for a chance to win a free copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD. You'll have an extra copy to give to a friend, since you've already bought one, right? Right???
Also, the incomparable Jeaniene Frost is giving away a signed copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD on her blog! Jeaniene was kind enough to blurb my book and had wonderful things to say about it. So if you want to double your chances, check them both out!
If you haven't read anything by Nicole or Jeaniene, what the hell are you waiting for???
The last part of my short story "The Hoarder" is being posted today on Suvudu.com. If you've been following along (or waiting for the conclusion to read the entire thing at once, and I don't blame you) please comment and let me know what you think. A brand-new story, "Pride Before Fall," starts tomorrow!
What was that? Something about a GRAND PRIZE winner?

Oh yes, we have a winner!
All of the entries have been collected (more than 85 total). Many of them were repeats--smart folks who participated in multiple ways. All entries were tossed into a hat (okay, not really a hat, it's a large glass jar), shaken and shimmied about to ensure proper mixing.
And the winner is.....
For her comment on the Charlie Madigan Interview posted on Organized Chaos! Email me your information [mail (at) kellymeding.com] and we'll get that Amazon gift card out to you! Congratulations, and thank you everyone for playing along!!!
There were sightings yesterday of THREE DAYS TO DEAD in two different Barnes & Nobles. My heart did a little pitter-patter when an online acquaintance sent me a picture of their shiny new purchase.
What am I doing to celebrate? Buying groceries for Thanksgiving dinner.
No, seriously. After that, the day is mine.
Be sure to check out the lovely and hilarious Nicole Peeler's site for a chance to win a free copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD. You'll have an extra copy to give to a friend, since you've already bought one, right? Right???
Also, the incomparable Jeaniene Frost is giving away a signed copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD on her blog! Jeaniene was kind enough to blurb my book and had wonderful things to say about it. So if you want to double your chances, check them both out!
If you haven't read anything by Nicole or Jeaniene, what the hell are you waiting for???
The last part of my short story "The Hoarder" is being posted today on Suvudu.com. If you've been following along (or waiting for the conclusion to read the entire thing at once, and I don't blame you) please comment and let me know what you think. A brand-new story, "Pride Before Fall," starts tomorrow!
What was that? Something about a GRAND PRIZE winner?
Oh yes, we have a winner!
All of the entries have been collected (more than 85 total). Many of them were repeats--smart folks who participated in multiple ways. All entries were tossed into a hat (okay, not really a hat, it's a large glass jar), shaken and shimmied about to ensure proper mixing.
And the winner is.....
For her comment on the Charlie Madigan Interview posted on Organized Chaos! Email me your information [mail (at) kellymeding.com] and we'll get that Amazon gift card out to you! Congratulations, and thank you everyone for playing along!!!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Zero Day
There's something altogether exciting and terrifying about looking at that countdown widget and realizing the DAYS column says 0. Big fat zero. Only hours left.
The good news is Amazon seems to be shipping Pre-orders of THREE DAYS TO DEAD, so yay!

Today is the last day to enter the GRAND PRIZE GIVEAWAY!!!! If you haven't already commented in either the 2K Quiz, the Charlie Madigan interview, or the Evy Stone interview, and you still want a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card, send me an email with the header: Enter Me! If you've already commented on all three, you can still send me that email! We're giving lots of chances to win!
I have a new interview up at Number One Novels today, so stop by and comment for a chance to win a signed copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD. I'm talking about character names and why Joss Whedon is my patron saint of writing.
"The Hoarder" short story serial continues. Part 3 and Part 4 are posted, and be sure to tune in tomorrow for the conclusion to the serial!
In a completely non-book note, I've been rewatching one of my favorite TV shows from the nineties. How remembers "The Pretender?"

A genius named Jared who could be anyone he wanted to be, chased by the cold-hearted Miss Parker who had deeper issues than anyone thought. Sydney, Broots, Mr. Raines, Lyle...great, great cast of characters on this show. I've had the entire series on DVD for a while now, but just yesterday I put in Season One, Disc One, and have been half-watching the show while doing other things. And it's been great fun re-discovering it. Watching Jared discover new things with the fascination of a child--Oreos, Pez, roach motels, Curious George, ice cream--is one of the best things about the show. It died off in later seasons as Jared became more worldly, but in the first half of the first season, his innocence is refreshing.
The good news is Amazon seems to be shipping Pre-orders of THREE DAYS TO DEAD, so yay!
Today is the last day to enter the GRAND PRIZE GIVEAWAY!!!! If you haven't already commented in either the 2K Quiz, the Charlie Madigan interview, or the Evy Stone interview, and you still want a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card, send me an email with the header: Enter Me! If you've already commented on all three, you can still send me that email! We're giving lots of chances to win!
I have a new interview up at Number One Novels today, so stop by and comment for a chance to win a signed copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD. I'm talking about character names and why Joss Whedon is my patron saint of writing.
"The Hoarder" short story serial continues. Part 3 and Part 4 are posted, and be sure to tune in tomorrow for the conclusion to the serial!
In a completely non-book note, I've been rewatching one of my favorite TV shows from the nineties. How remembers "The Pretender?"
A genius named Jared who could be anyone he wanted to be, chased by the cold-hearted Miss Parker who had deeper issues than anyone thought. Sydney, Broots, Mr. Raines, Lyle...great, great cast of characters on this show. I've had the entire series on DVD for a while now, but just yesterday I put in Season One, Disc One, and have been half-watching the show while doing other things. And it's been great fun re-discovering it. Watching Jared discover new things with the fascination of a child--Oreos, Pez, roach motels, Curious George, ice cream--is one of the best things about the show. It died off in later seasons as Jared became more worldly, but in the first half of the first season, his innocence is refreshing.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Myth, the Hoarder, and Stuff
So tonight's plans to go out to Seacrets in Ocean City and celebrate my book release have been thwarted by a cold. Blah. As much as I want to go out and debauch myself in public, I'd rather not spread my germs to several hundred strangers this close to Thanksgiving. Plus, as my roommate mentioned, I'd probably just make myself sicker.
We're staying in with pizza. Which will still be fun, because I love pizza and my friends are cool peeps no matter where we hang.
I also have a guest blog post at Myth, the Universe and Everything, in which I chat about one of my favorite fairy tales, trolls, and provide you with an exclusive excerpt from THREE DAYS TO DEAD. Check it out!
Also, part 2 of "The Hoarder" is up on Suvudu.com.
Only two days left to get in on the GRAND PRIZE GIVEAWAY action! All you have to do is email me! It's easy!
We're staying in with pizza. Which will still be fun, because I love pizza and my friends are cool peeps no matter where we hang.
I also have a guest blog post at Myth, the Universe and Everything, in which I chat about one of my favorite fairy tales, trolls, and provide you with an exclusive excerpt from THREE DAYS TO DEAD. Check it out!
Also, part 2 of "The Hoarder" is up on Suvudu.com.
Only two days left to get in on the GRAND PRIZE GIVEAWAY action! All you have to do is email me! It's easy!
Friday, November 20, 2009
Dead on Suvudu
Remember those short stories I've been teasing you about for a while? Well, all of the work and secrecy has finally come to fruition. I present:
Dead on Suvudu: The Dreg Files!
What is this, you ask? Over the next ten days, two original short stories of mine will be posted in five parts on the Suvudu site. Part one of story one is now live!
Both stories are set in the same world as THREE DAYS TO DEAD. Story 1, The Hoarder, is set four years ago, when Evy was still a rookie Hunter. Story 2 (which will premiere Nov 25), Pride Before Fall, features a Hunter named Tybalt who we meet briefly at the end of THREE DAYS TO DEAD.
I hope you enjoy the sneak peek into Evy's world!
Dead on Suvudu: The Dreg Files!
What is this, you ask? Over the next ten days, two original short stories of mine will be posted in five parts on the Suvudu site. Part one of story one is now live!
Both stories are set in the same world as THREE DAYS TO DEAD. Story 1, The Hoarder, is set four years ago, when Evy was still a rookie Hunter. Story 2 (which will premiere Nov 25), Pride Before Fall, features a Hunter named Tybalt who we meet briefly at the end of THREE DAYS TO DEAD.
I hope you enjoy the sneak peek into Evy's world!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Cat & Muse, A Winner, and Other Things
I very much meant to blog about this stuff yesterday, but a minor cat crisis stole my evening and my concentration. Anya is fine now, so no worries. But after what happened to my other cat, Hannah, last summer, I'm admittedly very paranoid. :)
So what else is happening?
1. Well, the deadline for entering the drawing for the Charlie Madigan interview was yesterday. Randomizer.org has spoken, and the winner of four books (signed copies of THREE DAYS TO DEAD & THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS, plus a surprise book from each of us) is:
Wanda! Email me { mail(at)kellymeding.com } with your mailing address. Congrats!
And of course, everyone who commented is also entered to win the GRAND PRIZE of the 2K Giveaway!
2. You guys know what Cat & Muse is, right? The awesome radio talk show run by former succubus Jezebel, and overseen by super-talented author Jackie Kessler? Well, Evy had the unique experience of appearing on Cat & Muse, and the interview is now posted. So for everyone who enjoyed Charlie's interview with Evy, run over and see what she had to say to Jez!
She left Jez speechless! Woot! *evil grin*
3. I also have an interview up with Stephanie, at Juiciliciousss Reviews, as well as a giveaway (books! swag! fun Post-It's!). I chat about writing, my favorite character in THREE DAYS TO DEAD, and other exciting things. So stop by and leave a comment!
4. I also have a fun surprise coming for readers. I'll blog specifically about this tomorrow, but I'll leave you with a few hints: short stories, Suvudu.com, free. *g*
Don't forget to enter the 2K GRAND PRIZE giveaway, if you haven't! It's super easy! Just email me with the heading "Enter Me!" and you're entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card. See? Super simple!
Five more days! Squeee!
So what else is happening?
1. Well, the deadline for entering the drawing for the Charlie Madigan interview was yesterday. Randomizer.org has spoken, and the winner of four books (signed copies of THREE DAYS TO DEAD & THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS, plus a surprise book from each of us) is:
Wanda! Email me { mail(at)kellymeding.com } with your mailing address. Congrats!
And of course, everyone who commented is also entered to win the GRAND PRIZE of the 2K Giveaway!
2. You guys know what Cat & Muse is, right? The awesome radio talk show run by former succubus Jezebel, and overseen by super-talented author Jackie Kessler? Well, Evy had the unique experience of appearing on Cat & Muse, and the interview is now posted. So for everyone who enjoyed Charlie's interview with Evy, run over and see what she had to say to Jez!
She left Jez speechless! Woot! *evil grin*
3. I also have an interview up with Stephanie, at Juiciliciousss Reviews, as well as a giveaway (books! swag! fun Post-It's!). I chat about writing, my favorite character in THREE DAYS TO DEAD, and other exciting things. So stop by and leave a comment!
4. I also have a fun surprise coming for readers. I'll blog specifically about this tomorrow, but I'll leave you with a few hints: short stories, Suvudu.com, free. *g*
Don't forget to enter the 2K GRAND PRIZE giveaway, if you haven't! It's super easy! Just email me with the heading "Enter Me!" and you're entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card. See? Super simple!
Five more days! Squeee!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
German YouTube Video
Google Alerts is such a great thing. This morning I found one linking to a YouTube video that appears to be a review of the German edition of THREE DAYS TO DEAD. I don't know what exactly she's saying, but the book is gorgeous and it was such a fun surprise I had to share.
So to the vid-maker, thank you! :)
So to the vid-maker, thank you! :)
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Character Interview: Charlie Madigan
The next part of the 2K Event is here! We had a great time following along with the Quiz answers last week, and this week we have something new for you.

But first, don't forget there's a $100 Amazon gift card GRAND PRIZE on the line. Rules for entering can be found here, so be sure to enter! It's easy!
Today's part of the Event is extra-fun. Charlie Madigan, heroine of Kelly Gay's THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS, has been interviewed by none other than the heroine of THREE DAYS TO DEAD, Evangeline Stone. These ladies have a few interesting things in common, but are also very different. And over at Kelly Gay's blog, Charlie has interviewed Evy.
So read along, and be sure to leave a comment or question for Charlie. Why? PRIZES.
Every comment is another automatic entry into the GRAND PRIZE drawing, to be held November 23rd.
I will also hold a random drawing and one lucky commentor will win these exciting prizes: a signed copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD, a signed copy of THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS, and a third, surprise book. Three books! The same prize package is being offered over at the Evy interview. Two chances to win! Two additional entries into the GRAND PRIZE drawing!
Exciting, isn't it?
The contest is open until Wednesday, November 18th, and the winners will be announced on the 19th. Good luck and happy commenting!

*Evy settles in and checks her notes*
Evy: So…you died, too, huh?
Charlie: Yeah. Traumatic experience, and it hurts like hell. But I have to say, I couldn’t imagine waking up in a totally different body. Now that’s insane. Dying didn’t change me on the outside, but it definitely did a number on the inside. There’s a war going on inside me. Good. Evil. Really raw stuff. And it feels alien, like it has nothing to do with me. The nightmares are really starting to mess with me . . .
Evy: In your world people actually know about the existence of Dreg—er, of, um, non-humans. You don't have to be all secretive about it. What's that like?
Charlie: I can only describe it as normal. The Revelation (what we call the discovery of two alternate dimensions, Elysia and Charbydon) happened back when I was a teen. It took years for things to calm down, and new laws and governing bodies to be put into place, but now it’s business as usual. And no worries on the Dreg reference – we have names for them, too, most of which I use to piss off particular people... I’m sure you can appreciate that. J But the politically correct term we use is off-worlders. Off-worlders go to school, work in the public and private sectors, just like any human would. It’s once you go Underground and into the criminal population that you’re reminded just how different the races really are.
Evy: Your partner's non-human—a siren, right? That boggles the mind. Hot or not, how'd you get stuck with him?
Charlie: Yeah, Hank’s a siren. You can’t mistake them. If you suddenly find yourself face first into a utility pole, you know you just walked past a siren. They kind of grab your attention that way. After about a decade most of us are used to them, though. It’d be a different story if our resident genius, Titus Mott, hadn’t invented the voice-mod to alter the seductive power of their voices… *shudders* Imagine men, women, kids, animals, you name it, all drawn to Hank like he’s some kind of gigantic frosted Cinnabun on a cold winter day. . . (Sorry, didn’t eat breakfast. Again.)
So, anyway, as far as working together, we didn’t have a choice. But it was necessary -- all part of integrating and learning about our new arrivals. You know, as much shit as I give Hank, he’s got my back 110%. I might not have a clue why he left Elysia to come here -- everyone has their own reasons for immigrating -- but I trust him with my life. And please, please, please, Evy, don’t tell him that, because just about everything goes to his head. And once he’s got the slightest dirt on you, he uses it to his full advantage and gets so obnoxious I just want to shoot him.
Evy: Talk to me about the other hot guy in your life, your ex-husband Will. What's up with him?
Charlie: You mean the guy I want to hug and strangle at the same time? I swear that man makes my life CRAZY. We’ve been divorced for almost a year now, and I’m still not over him completely. I mean, how do you turn off eleven years of loving someone in a couple months? Sometimes I don’t know what to do about him. He wants to make amends, wants to start over, but there are some serious trust issues that I’m not sure I can overcome. But, god, I just . . . He makes my chest hurt. Let’s move on, okay, Evy?
Evy: Okay, so you've got an eleven-year old daughter, which is really awesome. But you're a paranormal cop, and you're constantly in danger on the job. Don't you ever worry about making your kid an orphan? Although there is the ex-husband, so let me rephrase. Don't you ever worry about making your kid motherless? Because it sounds like you're a good mom, and I don't get to personally meet a lot of those.
Charlie: Well, thanks for saying that. To answer: Yes. I worry all the time. I think any parent, no matter what they do, worries about suddenly leaving their kid behind. But let me explain something. I feel I'm safer in my job as an officer than being oblivious to the dangers out there in some other job. If I know the dangers, the constant ebb and flow of crime in this city, then I can protect my family and myself better. I don’t know, I guess it stems from losing my brother to a violent crime. Ever since then I’ve had this deep need to look-out for my family, and the whole city, and it just makes me feel more secure myself. Some would say I’m safer at my job than I'd be working in the convenience store or at the bank. See, in my line of work, I have weapons. I have training. I have a fighting chance. That might not make sense to a lot of people, but talk to any ITF officer or beat cop with kids, or women in the military divisions and they’ll tell you the same thing. There are hundreds of thousands of us out there. This is how we feel the safest and the best able to protect our families and homes.
My kid gets what I do and why I do it, and I think if you ask her, she’d say she’s proud of me. A second later, she might say that I need to raise her ‘paltry’ allowance, but hey…what can you do, right?
Evy: What do you do to unwind after a hard day beating up the bad guys? I used to blow off steam at clubs on my nights off, but I guess with a kid at home that's an option anymore. So do you build puzzles? Do yoga? Read dirty books? Wish your ex was home so you could blow off steam with him in bed?
Charlie: A cold beer works wonders. A cold beer with steaks on the grill works even better. God, I knew I should’ve eaten breakfast! This whole death experience has really made me hungry. My metabolism must be stuck on overdrive or something. Might have to talk to Titus about that. Um, where were we? Oh, yeah… If I’ve had a really shitty day where food and drink won’t cut it, then I run. I run until my lungs burn and my legs turn to jelly. Or I go down to the station and spar with Hank. He loves a good beating.
Evy: *snorts laughter* Thanks for stopping by, Charlie.
But first, don't forget there's a $100 Amazon gift card GRAND PRIZE on the line. Rules for entering can be found here, so be sure to enter! It's easy!
Today's part of the Event is extra-fun. Charlie Madigan, heroine of Kelly Gay's THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS, has been interviewed by none other than the heroine of THREE DAYS TO DEAD, Evangeline Stone. These ladies have a few interesting things in common, but are also very different. And over at Kelly Gay's blog, Charlie has interviewed Evy.
So read along, and be sure to leave a comment or question for Charlie. Why? PRIZES.
Every comment is another automatic entry into the GRAND PRIZE drawing, to be held November 23rd.
I will also hold a random drawing and one lucky commentor will win these exciting prizes: a signed copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD, a signed copy of THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS, and a third, surprise book. Three books! The same prize package is being offered over at the Evy interview. Two chances to win! Two additional entries into the GRAND PRIZE drawing!
Exciting, isn't it?
The contest is open until Wednesday, November 18th, and the winners will be announced on the 19th. Good luck and happy commenting!
*Evy settles in and checks her notes*
Evy: So…you died, too, huh?
Charlie: Yeah. Traumatic experience, and it hurts like hell. But I have to say, I couldn’t imagine waking up in a totally different body. Now that’s insane. Dying didn’t change me on the outside, but it definitely did a number on the inside. There’s a war going on inside me. Good. Evil. Really raw stuff. And it feels alien, like it has nothing to do with me. The nightmares are really starting to mess with me . . .
Evy: In your world people actually know about the existence of Dreg—er, of, um, non-humans. You don't have to be all secretive about it. What's that like?
Charlie: I can only describe it as normal. The Revelation (what we call the discovery of two alternate dimensions, Elysia and Charbydon) happened back when I was a teen. It took years for things to calm down, and new laws and governing bodies to be put into place, but now it’s business as usual. And no worries on the Dreg reference – we have names for them, too, most of which I use to piss off particular people... I’m sure you can appreciate that. J But the politically correct term we use is off-worlders. Off-worlders go to school, work in the public and private sectors, just like any human would. It’s once you go Underground and into the criminal population that you’re reminded just how different the races really are.
Evy: Your partner's non-human—a siren, right? That boggles the mind. Hot or not, how'd you get stuck with him?
Charlie: Yeah, Hank’s a siren. You can’t mistake them. If you suddenly find yourself face first into a utility pole, you know you just walked past a siren. They kind of grab your attention that way. After about a decade most of us are used to them, though. It’d be a different story if our resident genius, Titus Mott, hadn’t invented the voice-mod to alter the seductive power of their voices… *shudders* Imagine men, women, kids, animals, you name it, all drawn to Hank like he’s some kind of gigantic frosted Cinnabun on a cold winter day. . . (Sorry, didn’t eat breakfast. Again.)
So, anyway, as far as working together, we didn’t have a choice. But it was necessary -- all part of integrating and learning about our new arrivals. You know, as much shit as I give Hank, he’s got my back 110%. I might not have a clue why he left Elysia to come here -- everyone has their own reasons for immigrating -- but I trust him with my life. And please, please, please, Evy, don’t tell him that, because just about everything goes to his head. And once he’s got the slightest dirt on you, he uses it to his full advantage and gets so obnoxious I just want to shoot him.
Evy: Talk to me about the other hot guy in your life, your ex-husband Will. What's up with him?
Charlie: You mean the guy I want to hug and strangle at the same time? I swear that man makes my life CRAZY. We’ve been divorced for almost a year now, and I’m still not over him completely. I mean, how do you turn off eleven years of loving someone in a couple months? Sometimes I don’t know what to do about him. He wants to make amends, wants to start over, but there are some serious trust issues that I’m not sure I can overcome. But, god, I just . . . He makes my chest hurt. Let’s move on, okay, Evy?
Evy: Okay, so you've got an eleven-year old daughter, which is really awesome. But you're a paranormal cop, and you're constantly in danger on the job. Don't you ever worry about making your kid an orphan? Although there is the ex-husband, so let me rephrase. Don't you ever worry about making your kid motherless? Because it sounds like you're a good mom, and I don't get to personally meet a lot of those.
Charlie: Well, thanks for saying that. To answer: Yes. I worry all the time. I think any parent, no matter what they do, worries about suddenly leaving their kid behind. But let me explain something. I feel I'm safer in my job as an officer than being oblivious to the dangers out there in some other job. If I know the dangers, the constant ebb and flow of crime in this city, then I can protect my family and myself better. I don’t know, I guess it stems from losing my brother to a violent crime. Ever since then I’ve had this deep need to look-out for my family, and the whole city, and it just makes me feel more secure myself. Some would say I’m safer at my job than I'd be working in the convenience store or at the bank. See, in my line of work, I have weapons. I have training. I have a fighting chance. That might not make sense to a lot of people, but talk to any ITF officer or beat cop with kids, or women in the military divisions and they’ll tell you the same thing. There are hundreds of thousands of us out there. This is how we feel the safest and the best able to protect our families and homes.
My kid gets what I do and why I do it, and I think if you ask her, she’d say she’s proud of me. A second later, she might say that I need to raise her ‘paltry’ allowance, but hey…what can you do, right?
Evy: What do you do to unwind after a hard day beating up the bad guys? I used to blow off steam at clubs on my nights off, but I guess with a kid at home that's an option anymore. So do you build puzzles? Do yoga? Read dirty books? Wish your ex was home so you could blow off steam with him in bed?
Charlie: A cold beer works wonders. A cold beer with steaks on the grill works even better. God, I knew I should’ve eaten breakfast! This whole death experience has really made me hungry. My metabolism must be stuck on overdrive or something. Might have to talk to Titus about that. Um, where were we? Oh, yeah… If I’ve had a really shitty day where food and drink won’t cut it, then I run. I run until my lungs burn and my legs turn to jelly. Or I go down to the station and spar with Hank. He loves a good beating.
Evy: *snorts laughter* Thanks for stopping by, Charlie.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Winner, New Stuff and Spiders
The winner of the 2K Quiz has been announced over at Enchanted by Books. Thanks to all who stopped by and guessed!
Want to hear something funny? When Kelly Gay and I came up with the November 2K event, we knew we'd be sharing a lot of things--release dates, first names, blogging engagements, etc... Neither one of us expected to share a cold. We've never even met, and yet we're both sick. How flippin' scary is that?
Be sure to stop back by on Thursday, for the next leg of our 2K Event. The heroine of The Better Part of Darkness, Charlie Madigan, will be stopping by for an in-depth interview, hosted by my very own wild child, Evy Stone. Trust me, you don't want to miss it!
And on a completely nonsensical tangent, I had a little yellow spider trapped between the clear plastic cover and the gauges on my dashboard. It kept running across it, on the inside, upside down, really FAST! I hate spiders, and it was soooo creepy knowing I couldn't reach in and kill it. In my car! Fortunately, about two-thirds of the way home, the icky thing found its way out and I smashed it with a McDonald's napkin. Woot!
Not to jinx myself or anything, but we're switching from Verizon to Comcast high-speed tomorrow morning (sarcastic YAY for 7am windows of arrival). The last time we tried this, we lacked internet for a week. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't disappear...
Want to hear something funny? When Kelly Gay and I came up with the November 2K event, we knew we'd be sharing a lot of things--release dates, first names, blogging engagements, etc... Neither one of us expected to share a cold. We've never even met, and yet we're both sick. How flippin' scary is that?
Be sure to stop back by on Thursday, for the next leg of our 2K Event. The heroine of The Better Part of Darkness, Charlie Madigan, will be stopping by for an in-depth interview, hosted by my very own wild child, Evy Stone. Trust me, you don't want to miss it!
And on a completely nonsensical tangent, I had a little yellow spider trapped between the clear plastic cover and the gauges on my dashboard. It kept running across it, on the inside, upside down, really FAST! I hate spiders, and it was soooo creepy knowing I couldn't reach in and kill it. In my car! Fortunately, about two-thirds of the way home, the icky thing found its way out and I smashed it with a McDonald's napkin. Woot!
Not to jinx myself or anything, but we're switching from Verizon to Comcast high-speed tomorrow morning (sarcastic YAY for 7am windows of arrival). The last time we tried this, we lacked internet for a week. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't disappear...
Monday, November 09, 2009
14 Days....EEEEEEEEE!
I've posted an interview with my 2K Event partner-in-crime Kelly Gay over at the League of Reluctant Adults. Go ask her questions and heckle. And then pre-order her book! It's awesome!
Today is also the last day to play in the 2K Quiz. Don't forget, you can win two ways! There will be a drawing from all entries (correct or not) for four books. And everyone who enters the Quiz gets an entry into the Grand Prize drawing! That's for a $100 Amazon gift card, people!
Have you guys seen the trailer for SyFy's new miniseries, "Alice"? I'm a huge fan of what they did with "Tin Man" two years ago, so I'm pretty excited for this. Plus I love Kathy Bates.
I've posted an interview with my 2K Event partner-in-crime Kelly Gay over at the League of Reluctant Adults. Go ask her questions and heckle. And then pre-order her book! It's awesome!
Today is also the last day to play in the 2K Quiz. Don't forget, you can win two ways! There will be a drawing from all entries (correct or not) for four books. And everyone who enters the Quiz gets an entry into the Grand Prize drawing! That's for a $100 Amazon gift card, people!
Have you guys seen the trailer for SyFy's new miniseries, "Alice"? I'm a huge fan of what they did with "Tin Man" two years ago, so I'm pretty excited for this. Plus I love Kathy Bates.
Saturday, November 07, 2009
Saturday Round Up
The second Dreg City book, AS LIE THE DEAD, is up for pre-order on Amazon. Not that I expect anyone to pre-order it yet, since most of the world hasn't even read the fist one. But yay for being listed! Release is July 27, 2010. I expect the listing will pop up on Barnes & Noble, and other sites soon.
Still no cover art for it, but my editor has accepted revisions and the book is off to production. The cover should pop up soon. *fingers crossed*
Evy is still answering your questions over at ALL THINGS URBAN FANTASY. She's having a lot of fun (as am I) talking about the vampires in her world, so be sure to swing by!
Don't forget all the ways you can enter our 2K Event Grand Prize Drawing! The 2K Quiz at ENCHANTED BY BOOKS is still open until Monday, so put your guesses out there for a chance to win four books!
And in order to try and keep myself sane this month, what with all of the contests, giveaways, and oh yeah, BOOK RELEASE, I've got a new project. It popped into my head a few days ago, and on Thursday it demanded I start. It's pretty different from anything I've written before, the MC is male, and it's basically a 180-turn from the Evy books. But it's proven to be a worthy distraction (as 5700 words in two days proves), and I'll say three words about it: werewolves, ranch, Colorado.
Have a great weekend, all!
Still no cover art for it, but my editor has accepted revisions and the book is off to production. The cover should pop up soon. *fingers crossed*
Evy is still answering your questions over at ALL THINGS URBAN FANTASY. She's having a lot of fun (as am I) talking about the vampires in her world, so be sure to swing by!
Don't forget all the ways you can enter our 2K Event Grand Prize Drawing! The 2K Quiz at ENCHANTED BY BOOKS is still open until Monday, so put your guesses out there for a chance to win four books!
And in order to try and keep myself sane this month, what with all of the contests, giveaways, and oh yeah, BOOK RELEASE, I've got a new project. It popped into my head a few days ago, and on Thursday it demanded I start. It's pretty different from anything I've written before, the MC is male, and it's basically a 180-turn from the Evy books. But it's proven to be a worthy distraction (as 5700 words in two days proves), and I'll say three words about it: werewolves, ranch, Colorado.
Have a great weekend, all!
Friday, November 06, 2009
Vampires 101
Have a question about vampires?
Want to know their weaknesses and strengths?
Ever been curious what a bite really does to you?
Stop over to ALL THINGS URBAN FANTASY, where my heroine Evangeline Stone is talking about the vampires in her world. Ask her a question and be entered for a chance to win a $20 Amazon gift card!
Want to know their weaknesses and strengths?
Ever been curious what a bite really does to you?
Stop over to ALL THINGS URBAN FANTASY, where my heroine Evangeline Stone is talking about the vampires in her world. Ask her a question and be entered for a chance to win a $20 Amazon gift card!
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
2K Quiz!
The 2K Quiz is up at Enchanted by Books. Swing on over for a chance to win FOUR BOOKS! Just match the statements to the correct Kelly and answer in the comments. You don't have to guess correctly to be entered into the drawing.
And every entry is added to the GRAND PRIZE pot for the 2K Event!

On another fun note, book two in the Dreg City series, As Lie the Dead, is listed at the Random House home page for pre-order! I'm sure the Amazon and B&N listings will show up shortly. There's no cover art yet, but the release date is listed as July 27th!
And every entry is added to the GRAND PRIZE pot for the 2K Event!
On another fun note, book two in the Dreg City series, As Lie the Dead, is listed at the Random House home page for pre-order! I'm sure the Amazon and B&N listings will show up shortly. There's no cover art yet, but the release date is listed as July 27th!
Monday, November 02, 2009
Updates, Interviews and Polls, Oh My!
So after last week's little laptop drama, I am now the proud owner of a brand-new Sony Vaio. She's gorgeous and fast and shiny! And my Sonja is also packed up the whazoo with virus protection and anti-spyware software. Windows 7 isn't what I'm used to, but I'm adapting. Many of the new features are really awesome. And I love the slightly raised, parted keyboard. Much more like a regular keyboard.
I spent yesterday helping my sister and her boyfriend pull off a Halloween party for about a dozen kids (plus adults). They do it every year, with food, a bonfire and a hay ride (yes, a real hay ride). It was a lot of fun, and I ate way too much yummy stuff. I even got a bag of candy out of the deal (mini-Twix = WIN!). My niece was all adorable in a skeleton sweatshirt/pants ensemble. She trick-or-treated (as much as a 9-month old can) the night before as a fairy princess.
On the book-related front, Three Days to Dead releases three weeks from tomorrow. Every time I think about it, I start to freak a little bit. But I have lots of things to keep my busy.
Don't forget to check out the 2K Event and all the ways you can enter to win a $100 Amazon gift certificate.
I have a new interview up at Obfuscation of Reality. Come listen to me babble!
Also, Bitten by Books is running a poll on most anticipated November releases. I'm in the running, as is fellow League debutante Nicole Peeler. So come on over and cast a vote!
I spent yesterday helping my sister and her boyfriend pull off a Halloween party for about a dozen kids (plus adults). They do it every year, with food, a bonfire and a hay ride (yes, a real hay ride). It was a lot of fun, and I ate way too much yummy stuff. I even got a bag of candy out of the deal (mini-Twix = WIN!). My niece was all adorable in a skeleton sweatshirt/pants ensemble. She trick-or-treated (as much as a 9-month old can) the night before as a fairy princess.
On the book-related front, Three Days to Dead releases three weeks from tomorrow. Every time I think about it, I start to freak a little bit. But I have lots of things to keep my busy.
Don't forget to check out the 2K Event and all the ways you can enter to win a $100 Amazon gift certificate.
I have a new interview up at Obfuscation of Reality. Come listen to me babble!
Also, Bitten by Books is running a poll on most anticipated November releases. I'm in the running, as is fellow League debutante Nicole Peeler. So come on over and cast a vote!
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
For fans of the Dresden Files, who want a grittier, darker hero, check out this series by new author Harry Connolly. The use of magic is fresh and the writing is clear. I can't wait for the next book!
View all my reviews >>
Sunday, November 01, 2009
2K Event Kick-Off!!!
It’s here!
The Same Name, Same Date, Same Genre – Two Awesome Debuts! Event! (Hereafter referred to as the 2K Event, for Twitter-friendly brevity sake.)

Join debut urban fantasy authors Kelly Meding and Kelly Gay for a month of giveaways, interviews, quizzes, and more as we celebrate the upcoming November 24th release of our debut novels: THREE DAYS TO DEAD (Kelly Meding) and THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS (Kelly Gay).
We have some great things in store for you! Please join us November 3rd for our Two Kelly’s Quiz at ENCHANTED BY BOOKS, and match the statements to the correct Kelly to win some amazing prizes! And join us again on November 12th for a double interview at our blogs where Evy Stone and Charlie Madigan interview each other! These gals have a lot to say, so don’t miss it (and the chance to win more freebies!).
But here’s the best part: Our GRAND PRIZE. Oh yeah. We’re talking a $100 Amazon gift card for one lucky winner.
The GRAND PRIZE giveaway starts now, November 1st and ends November 23rd at noon, Eastern Standard Time. You'll have multiple chances to enter the drawing for the $100 Amazon gift card.
Here’s how:
1) Just comment at any of our events mentioned above and you’re automatically entered. Please note: One comment at one event will gain you one entry. For example: Comment at all three events (the Quiz, the Evy Stone Interview & the Charlie Madigan Interview) and not only are you entered to win those prizes, but now you’re entered THREE times in the GRAND PRIZE giveaway. (And, no, multiple commenting at each event will not gain you extra entries). So that's three chances right there!
2) Folks who do not plan on automatically entering by commenting at our events, may enter by sending an ‘ENTER ME!’ email to Kelly Meding's email address: mail (at) kellymeding.com. One email only, and please use the subject line "ENTER ME!" or your entry may get lost in the Spam Folder (and we don't want that). Please note: If you choose to participate in option #1, you can still enter this way, too. And we do encourage you to choose option #1 and play along with us!
3) Additionally, we want to say a special thanks to those folks who pre-order our books. So, if anyone has pre-ordered at any time, up to November 23rd, please send proof of purchase (scanned or screencapped image of online pre-order confirmation, scanned or photographed in-store receipt [with all private info smudged out, of course]) to: mail (at) kellymeding.com with the subject line "PRE-ORDER." Pre-order proof of one of our books gains you 5 entries. Pre-order proof of both books will gain you 10 entries in the GRAND PRIZE giveaway. (You are also free to enter via Rules #1 & #2). Please note: The GRAND PRIZE giveaway does not require purchase to enter. This rule is merely a way for us to give big, sloppy "Thank you!" kisses to those of you who have or will purchase our books. Both books do not have to have been pre-ordered at the same time; separate confirmation is fine.
Everyone with us so far? Awesome!
And guess what? Follow along and participate in our events and you might just win some additional entries in our grand prize!
Please help us spread the word by Tweeting and blogging the 2K Event, and feel free to use the above contest graphic.
We'll see you Tuesday at ENCHANTED BY BOOKS!!!
The Same Name, Same Date, Same Genre – Two Awesome Debuts! Event! (Hereafter referred to as the 2K Event, for Twitter-friendly brevity sake.)
Join debut urban fantasy authors Kelly Meding and Kelly Gay for a month of giveaways, interviews, quizzes, and more as we celebrate the upcoming November 24th release of our debut novels: THREE DAYS TO DEAD (Kelly Meding) and THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS (Kelly Gay).
We have some great things in store for you! Please join us November 3rd for our Two Kelly’s Quiz at ENCHANTED BY BOOKS, and match the statements to the correct Kelly to win some amazing prizes! And join us again on November 12th for a double interview at our blogs where Evy Stone and Charlie Madigan interview each other! These gals have a lot to say, so don’t miss it (and the chance to win more freebies!).
But here’s the best part: Our GRAND PRIZE. Oh yeah. We’re talking a $100 Amazon gift card for one lucky winner.
The GRAND PRIZE giveaway starts now, November 1st and ends November 23rd at noon, Eastern Standard Time. You'll have multiple chances to enter the drawing for the $100 Amazon gift card.
Here’s how:
1) Just comment at any of our events mentioned above and you’re automatically entered. Please note: One comment at one event will gain you one entry. For example: Comment at all three events (the Quiz, the Evy Stone Interview & the Charlie Madigan Interview) and not only are you entered to win those prizes, but now you’re entered THREE times in the GRAND PRIZE giveaway. (And, no, multiple commenting at each event will not gain you extra entries). So that's three chances right there!
2) Folks who do not plan on automatically entering by commenting at our events, may enter by sending an ‘ENTER ME!’ email to Kelly Meding's email address: mail (at) kellymeding.com. One email only, and please use the subject line "ENTER ME!" or your entry may get lost in the Spam Folder (and we don't want that). Please note: If you choose to participate in option #1, you can still enter this way, too. And we do encourage you to choose option #1 and play along with us!
3) Additionally, we want to say a special thanks to those folks who pre-order our books. So, if anyone has pre-ordered at any time, up to November 23rd, please send proof of purchase (scanned or screencapped image of online pre-order confirmation, scanned or photographed in-store receipt [with all private info smudged out, of course]) to: mail (at) kellymeding.com with the subject line "PRE-ORDER." Pre-order proof of one of our books gains you 5 entries. Pre-order proof of both books will gain you 10 entries in the GRAND PRIZE giveaway. (You are also free to enter via Rules #1 & #2). Please note: The GRAND PRIZE giveaway does not require purchase to enter. This rule is merely a way for us to give big, sloppy "Thank you!" kisses to those of you who have or will purchase our books. Both books do not have to have been pre-ordered at the same time; separate confirmation is fine.
Everyone with us so far? Awesome!
And guess what? Follow along and participate in our events and you might just win some additional entries in our grand prize!
Please help us spread the word by Tweeting and blogging the 2K Event, and feel free to use the above contest graphic.
We'll see you Tuesday at ENCHANTED BY BOOKS!!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Contest Winner & New Interview
Phew. I finally made it. My laptop is about two steps from being broken in half out of sheer frustration. Nearly twenty minutes just to boot up and get online...lots of stops and starts between pages...popups...yeah, terrific.
But I got here, so I can post the winner of the Countdown: October Contest! And the winner, by random number drawing, is....
His favorite monsters are:
1. The "thing" from John Carpenter's The Thing
2. Amon Göth from Schindler's List
3. Mr. Gray from Stephen King's Dreamcatcher
Congrats, Bill! Send your mailing information to: mail (at) kellymeding.com and I'll get your prizes out (thanks to my Blackberry, I can at least read my email without this stinking computer).
And in other news, a new interview and giveaway is up today over at Dark Faerie Tales. Be sure to stop by and comment for a chance to win!
But I got here, so I can post the winner of the Countdown: October Contest! And the winner, by random number drawing, is....
His favorite monsters are:
1. The "thing" from John Carpenter's The Thing
2. Amon Göth from Schindler's List
3. Mr. Gray from Stephen King's Dreamcatcher
Congrats, Bill! Send your mailing information to: mail (at) kellymeding.com and I'll get your prizes out (thanks to my Blackberry, I can at least read my email without this stinking computer).
And in other news, a new interview and giveaway is up today over at Dark Faerie Tales. Be sure to stop by and comment for a chance to win!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Why "Chopped" is Like a Writing Challenge
Yeah, that's what I said. Bear with me for a minute...
So I'm sitting here watching "Chopped" on the Food Network. Food Network, by the way, is my crack right now. It's on all the time while I'm working at home, and I've even picked up a few tips along the way. But I digress...
Anywho, to the uninitiated, "Chopped" is a show in which four chefs are given a basket of secret ingredients and must create dishes using those ingredients in under thirty minutes. Usually, the ingredients make little sense together (recent dessert round: ripened plantains, prosecco, crystalized ginger, and bacon), but the chefs have to make them work together and taste good. It's fun to watch. I love to see what these folks come up with off the tops of their heads.
During a commercial break, I jumped over to Twitter and a friend made a comment about the upcoming NaNoWriMo Challenge. To the uninitiated, NaNoWriMo means National Novel Writing Month. It's a writing challenge held every November, in which participants are challenged to write at least 50,000 words between Nov 1 and Nov 30. That's about 1700 words a day, minimum. That's a lot of words.
Now, not everyone takes NaNo seriously. Many folks do it in order to take a break from more serious endeavors--they allow their writing to go completely wild, without the pressure of making it "good." They use it as a way to get into a writing groove and to improve upon their daily word count output. To do this, challenges are issued to other participants, by participants. The challenges are usually to include random, odd elements in the story.
From this, my brain took another hard-left tangent back to my days writing fanfiction. I participated in a mailing list in which similar writing challenges were issued. We were given a list of random elements, and we were challenged to include them all in a story. The list could have looked something like this: a stuffed gorilla, banana ice cream, a clown riding a skateboard, fireworks, and a length of rubber hose. And people would write stories. Usually very good stories. Some folks went goofy, but many of us chose to use this as an exercise to improve our skills.
We did the very best we could with the ingredients we were given, and we put together the best final product possible.
Kind of like the chefs on "Chopped."
Now I miss those old fanfiction challenges.
(And don't forget to comment in the Countdown: October Contest!!! Still two days!)
So I'm sitting here watching "Chopped" on the Food Network. Food Network, by the way, is my crack right now. It's on all the time while I'm working at home, and I've even picked up a few tips along the way. But I digress...
Anywho, to the uninitiated, "Chopped" is a show in which four chefs are given a basket of secret ingredients and must create dishes using those ingredients in under thirty minutes. Usually, the ingredients make little sense together (recent dessert round: ripened plantains, prosecco, crystalized ginger, and bacon), but the chefs have to make them work together and taste good. It's fun to watch. I love to see what these folks come up with off the tops of their heads.
During a commercial break, I jumped over to Twitter and a friend made a comment about the upcoming NaNoWriMo Challenge. To the uninitiated, NaNoWriMo means National Novel Writing Month. It's a writing challenge held every November, in which participants are challenged to write at least 50,000 words between Nov 1 and Nov 30. That's about 1700 words a day, minimum. That's a lot of words.
Now, not everyone takes NaNo seriously. Many folks do it in order to take a break from more serious endeavors--they allow their writing to go completely wild, without the pressure of making it "good." They use it as a way to get into a writing groove and to improve upon their daily word count output. To do this, challenges are issued to other participants, by participants. The challenges are usually to include random, odd elements in the story.
From this, my brain took another hard-left tangent back to my days writing fanfiction. I participated in a mailing list in which similar writing challenges were issued. We were given a list of random elements, and we were challenged to include them all in a story. The list could have looked something like this: a stuffed gorilla, banana ice cream, a clown riding a skateboard, fireworks, and a length of rubber hose. And people would write stories. Usually very good stories. Some folks went goofy, but many of us chose to use this as an exercise to improve our skills.
We did the very best we could with the ingredients we were given, and we put together the best final product possible.
Kind of like the chefs on "Chopped."
Now I miss those old fanfiction challenges.
(And don't forget to comment in the Countdown: October Contest!!! Still two days!)
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Countdown: October Contest!
It's finally here. October. The last Countdown Contest leading up the wide release of THREE DAYS TO DEAD. I can't believe I started these in April. The summer has flown by, and so has autumn. Release day will be here before you know it!
In honor of it being nearly Halloween, this contest has a Monster theme. I'm not doing anything flashy or too hard on my brain (that other, Super Seekrit Promo stuff has my brain a little wonked out already, but it's worth it!). So...wanna see the contest prizes?

It's a mixed bag of items that are in some way related to the monsters in the Dreg City world. There are three books: The Gargoyle (Andrew Davidson), Goblin Moon (Teresa Edgerton), and The Five People You Meet in Hell (a parody, by Rich Pablum). There is also a DVD of Gremlins, a Wee Little Garden Gnome, a vampire ornament, and some swaggish stuff: a signed bookmark and two buttons (one is anti-Dreg, the other anti-Triad).
A winner will be randomly selected from the comments section, and you get everything in the picture above.
So what's the contest part?
In honor of Halloween, I want to know your top Three Monsters. They can be movie monsters or book monsters, real people or imaginary creatures, unkillable or very mortal. Define "monster" in your own way, but tell me who they are!
I'll start off with my top three:
1. Freddy Krueger, from the Nightmare on Elm Street films.
2. General Woundwort, from Watership Down, by Richard Adams.
3. Randall Flagg, from Stephen King's The Stand.
What are yours?
Contest closes midnight on Thursday, October 29th!
In honor of it being nearly Halloween, this contest has a Monster theme. I'm not doing anything flashy or too hard on my brain (that other, Super Seekrit Promo stuff has my brain a little wonked out already, but it's worth it!). So...wanna see the contest prizes?
It's a mixed bag of items that are in some way related to the monsters in the Dreg City world. There are three books: The Gargoyle (Andrew Davidson), Goblin Moon (Teresa Edgerton), and The Five People You Meet in Hell (a parody, by Rich Pablum). There is also a DVD of Gremlins, a Wee Little Garden Gnome, a vampire ornament, and some swaggish stuff: a signed bookmark and two buttons (one is anti-Dreg, the other anti-Triad).
A winner will be randomly selected from the comments section, and you get everything in the picture above.
So what's the contest part?
In honor of Halloween, I want to know your top Three Monsters. They can be movie monsters or book monsters, real people or imaginary creatures, unkillable or very mortal. Define "monster" in your own way, but tell me who they are!
I'll start off with my top three:
1. Freddy Krueger, from the Nightmare on Elm Street films.
2. General Woundwort, from Watership Down, by Richard Adams.
3. Randall Flagg, from Stephen King's The Stand.
What are yours?
Contest closes midnight on Thursday, October 29th!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Saturday Round-Up
I can't believe I've hit the One Month mark. One month from today, and THREE DAYS TO DEAD will finally (FINALLY!) be in the wild! *happy dance*
November promises to be an exciting month. I have a handful of interviews set up, as well as different giveaways. Not to mention the Big Seekrit Promo Thingie I was teasing about the other week. That will also include giveaways, an interview or two, and a nifty banner.
I'll be putting up the final, Countdown: October Contest soon. Since Halloween is right around the corner, it's going to have a Monster theme. So stay turned for that, as well!
I also feel the need to include a small Public Service Announcement: Don't sit in a public parking lot, in the driver's seat of your car, in broad daylight, and drink a conspicuous can of Budweiser while smoking a cigarette. Some concerned citizen may just call the cops on your ass.*
That is all.
*No, I was not the driver. I'm not that dumb. But I did witness the resulting drama.
November promises to be an exciting month. I have a handful of interviews set up, as well as different giveaways. Not to mention the Big Seekrit Promo Thingie I was teasing about the other week. That will also include giveaways, an interview or two, and a nifty banner.
I'll be putting up the final, Countdown: October Contest soon. Since Halloween is right around the corner, it's going to have a Monster theme. So stay turned for that, as well!
I also feel the need to include a small Public Service Announcement: Don't sit in a public parking lot, in the driver's seat of your car, in broad daylight, and drink a conspicuous can of Budweiser while smoking a cigarette. Some concerned citizen may just call the cops on your ass.*
That is all.
*No, I was not the driver. I'm not that dumb. But I did witness the resulting drama.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is another book I picked up because I'd seen it reviewed online. The same someone also mentioned it was being turned into a movie.
I don't think a movie could possibly capture this book. It builds up with layers upon layers of questions, right from the opening lines, until it finally becomes clear just what's happening to these characters. You maybe suspect it, but you just aren't sure. It's devastating in both its brilliance and simplicity.
View all my reviews >>
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Website Changes
I don't think I ever officially announced that my website has changed. Or if I did, my brain did not record the event.
Anyhow, my official site has switched over to a Wordpress format. I made the decision for a variety of reasons, including ease of updating for myself. I can play and add content* to my heart's content without bothering the amazing, patient woman who's helped me with it this last year or so. It's still kellymeding.com, but if you still see the old site, you may need to clear your cache (I did).
Even though it's a Wordpress site, I won't approve comments on the pages (most are disabled anyway). And I'm keeping this blog where it is, because I've had it for years and I love it.
*For example, I've created a soundtrack for THREE DAYS TO DEAD, and the page for it is now live. Rhapsody subscribers can find the playlist by searching the book title. If there's a way to create a playlist on iTunes without buying all the tracks first, I haven't figured that out.
Anyhow, my official site has switched over to a Wordpress format. I made the decision for a variety of reasons, including ease of updating for myself. I can play and add content* to my heart's content without bothering the amazing, patient woman who's helped me with it this last year or so. It's still kellymeding.com, but if you still see the old site, you may need to clear your cache (I did).
Even though it's a Wordpress site, I won't approve comments on the pages (most are disabled anyway). And I'm keeping this blog where it is, because I've had it for years and I love it.
*For example, I've created a soundtrack for THREE DAYS TO DEAD, and the page for it is now live. Rhapsody subscribers can find the playlist by searching the book title. If there's a way to create a playlist on iTunes without buying all the tracks first, I haven't figured that out.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Song Specific 2
In my ongoing quest to compile a soundtrack for THREE DAYS TO DEAD, I've been listening to lots of music. Especially from artists with which I'm unfamiliar. So I was quite happy to stumble across Remy Zero and realize they did the cool song used in the "Smallville" credits.
After listening to some of their albums, I found a song that, to me, really encompasses another of the book's supporting characters: Alex Forrester. Alex is the roommate and best friend of the dead woman my heroine, Evy, is resurrected into. He's completely unaware of the Triads, Dregs, or that anything untoward is happening in the city after dark. He's also my favorite character, because he's a Nice Guy. Loyal, generous, and a good friend.
So just as Disarm (Smashing Pumpkins) worked perfectly for hero Wyatt Truman, here's Perfect Memory (Remy Zero):
After listening to some of their albums, I found a song that, to me, really encompasses another of the book's supporting characters: Alex Forrester. Alex is the roommate and best friend of the dead woman my heroine, Evy, is resurrected into. He's completely unaware of the Triads, Dregs, or that anything untoward is happening in the city after dark. He's also my favorite character, because he's a Nice Guy. Loyal, generous, and a good friend.
So just as Disarm (Smashing Pumpkins) worked perfectly for hero Wyatt Truman, here's Perfect Memory (Remy Zero):
Friday, October 16, 2009
This has been a topsy-turvy week, I must say. I've been working extra hours at the day job, because one of the managers is on vacation until tomorrow, so all I've wanted to do when I come home is veg. Which I have, for the most part. But I've also been doing book stuff--scheduling some guest blogs, developing that "thing" I was teasing about last week, and doing a final read-through of AS LIE THE DEAD.
Yes, book two is now revised and back with my lovely editor. One of the benefits of not having read it all the way through in many months is fresh eyes. I was able to "see" little inconsistencies I hadn't noticed. I was also able to add little world-building details I hadn't considered during the first drafts. All in all, it's a much stronger book (as it should be).
Remember those short stories I've been working on? Good things have developed. More on that later. *g*
I also had the great fortune to score an ARC of Kelly Gay's THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS, which releases November 24 from Pocket. Order it. Now. And I'm not just saying that. Her alt-Atlanta is so unique, and I love her heroine, Charlie. How often does UF give us a protag who's a single mom? There's so much I'd like to say, but won't for fear of spoilers.
Also, I haz swag!

They are 1.25" buttons, designed by a super-cool moderator at AbsoluteWrite. For clarity, Dregs are the city's non-humans, and the Triads are the folks who hunt/kill them. So yeah, they mostly don't like each other.
I'm not sure how I'll use them yet. We shall see...
Yes, book two is now revised and back with my lovely editor. One of the benefits of not having read it all the way through in many months is fresh eyes. I was able to "see" little inconsistencies I hadn't noticed. I was also able to add little world-building details I hadn't considered during the first drafts. All in all, it's a much stronger book (as it should be).
Remember those short stories I've been working on? Good things have developed. More on that later. *g*
I also had the great fortune to score an ARC of Kelly Gay's THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS, which releases November 24 from Pocket. Order it. Now. And I'm not just saying that. Her alt-Atlanta is so unique, and I love her heroine, Charlie. How often does UF give us a protag who's a single mom? There's so much I'd like to say, but won't for fear of spoilers.
Also, I haz swag!
They are 1.25" buttons, designed by a super-cool moderator at AbsoluteWrite. For clarity, Dregs are the city's non-humans, and the Triads are the folks who hunt/kill them. So yeah, they mostly don't like each other.
I'm not sure how I'll use them yet. We shall see...
Monday, October 12, 2009
Disney Undone
Twitter is an amazing repository of random links and tidbits. In the last few days, two different Disney character-related links have popped up. These are not your fairy tale characters, either. At least, not the way Disney interpreted them.
Most recently is Twisted Princesses - zombie-fied princesses, to be exact. I think Sleeping Beauty and Snow White are my favorite. Look at the dwarves!
Last week was These Ain't Ya Mama's Disney Princes - and duuuuuuuude. I admit, seeing Peter Pan on there was a tad disturbing, but it's worth scrolling to the bottom (er, no pun intended) for the Prince Edward from Enchanted.
Most recently is Twisted Princesses - zombie-fied princesses, to be exact. I think Sleeping Beauty and Snow White are my favorite. Look at the dwarves!
Last week was These Ain't Ya Mama's Disney Princes - and duuuuuuuude. I admit, seeing Peter Pan on there was a tad disturbing, but it's worth scrolling to the bottom (er, no pun intended) for the Prince Edward from Enchanted.
Friday, October 09, 2009
Something's Coming....
...and I don't necessarily mean my book's impending release. Nor do I necessarily mean the Countdown: October! Contest.
No, something else is coming. And this new something may or may not include the following: free books, another author, receipts, one hundred bucks, Q&A's, a quiz, and/or shameless self-promotion.
Just plain puzzled?
Details to come...
Wednesday, October 07, 2009
New Interview
It's a drive-by posting. A new interview with me is up at Stop... Drop... And Plot! The blog is run by a fellow AbsoluteWrite member, and she was cool enough to drop me a note ask me a couple of questions about THREE DAYS TO DEAD and writing in general.
Stop by and give it a look-see!
Stop by and give it a look-see!
Tuesday, October 06, 2009
Debut Release: The Shifter
Today is the release day for Janice Hardy's debut Middle Grade novel, THE SHIFTER: THE HEALING WARS, BOOK 1. Janice is a friend from AbsoluteWrite, where she dispenses her wisdom and thoughts on writing and publishing with great frequency and forthrightness.
The blurb:
Nya is an orphan struggling for survival in a city crippled by war. She is also a Taker—with her touch, she can heal injuries, pulling pain from another person into her own body. But unlike her sister, Tali, and the other Takers who become Healers' League apprentices, Nya's skill is flawed: She can't push that pain into pynvium, the enchanted metal used to store it. All she can do is shift it into another person, a dangerous skill that she must keep hidden from forces occupying her city. If discovered, she'd be used as a human weapon against her own people.
Rumors of another war make Nya's life harder, forcing her to take desperate risks just to find work and food. She pushes her luck too far and exposes her secret to a pain merchant eager to use her shifting ability for his own sinister purposes. At first Nya refuses, but when Tali and other League Healers mysteriously disappear, she's faced with some difficult choices. As her father used to say, principles are a bargain at any price; but how many will Nya have to sell to get Tali back alive?
Congrats, Janice!!!
Monday, October 05, 2009
Tag der glücklichen Freigabe!
(aka, Happy Day of Release!)
Today In drei Tagen bist du wieder tot releases into the wild in Germany.

We sold the translation rights to THREE DAYS TO DEAD and AS LIE THE DEAD back in late January to Droemer. They bought it for part of their new PAN imprint, which focuses exclusively on urban fantasy and paranormal. I also find myself in the awesome company of Maggie Stiefvater and Kathryn Smith.
So yes, I am in the strange position of having my very first novel release in a foreign country before it releases here. It's actually pretty cool.
I hope you like it, Germany! *kisses*
Today In drei Tagen bist du wieder tot releases into the wild in Germany.
We sold the translation rights to THREE DAYS TO DEAD and AS LIE THE DEAD back in late January to Droemer. They bought it for part of their new PAN imprint, which focuses exclusively on urban fantasy and paranormal. I also find myself in the awesome company of Maggie Stiefvater and Kathryn Smith.
So yes, I am in the strange position of having my very first novel release in a foreign country before it releases here. It's actually pretty cool.
I hope you like it, Germany! *kisses*
Friday, October 02, 2009
September Winner!
You guys rock! There were so many awesome and hilarious captions for that photo that I want to make them all into t-shirts. Thanks to everyone who participated in the Countdown: September Contest!
Randomizer.org has spoken, and the winner is:
"Do me a favor, Clark. Lose your sense of humor!" -Batman
Shoot me your info [mail (at) kellymeding.com ] and I'll get your books and secret prize out to you!
Randomizer.org has spoken, and the winner is:
"Do me a favor, Clark. Lose your sense of humor!" -Batman
Shoot me your info [mail (at) kellymeding.com ] and I'll get your books and secret prize out to you!
Thursday, October 01, 2009
Happy October!
Happy October! Another month down, only three more to go in 2009. Can't quite believe it.
There's still time to enter in the Countdown: September! Contest, so be sure to check it out. Contest closes at midnight, Pacific time, which leaves about sixteen and a half hours to play. I love all of the entries so far. You guys rock!
Today also kicks off Halloween Havoc, over at the League of Reluctant Adults.

It's a month-long celebration that will include interviews, guest blogs, and any other random miscellany we can come up with to entertain you. So be sure to hang out over there!
September ended on a high-note for me. Not only did I connect a couple of dots in my series's over-all story arc, but I also got my editorial letter for AS LIE THE DEAD! Double-score! Dear Editor loved it, said it was tight and well-executed. I've heard so many stories from other authors who've struggled with "second book syndrome" that I feel extremely lucky. ALTD was almost easier to write than TDTD--I think because I'd already built the world and laid out the groundwork. All I had to do in the sequel was expand upon what was there, instead of starting it all from scratch.
The trick, of course, was matching or surpassing the emotional impact of the first book, and sounds like I hit the mark. Phew! And Dear Editor's suggestions will make the book shine. The value of a terrific editor is impossible to put into words, but she is amazing and I can't wait to dig into this.
Plus, five pages of edits versus nine for TDTD? *pumps fist*
There's still time to enter in the Countdown: September! Contest, so be sure to check it out. Contest closes at midnight, Pacific time, which leaves about sixteen and a half hours to play. I love all of the entries so far. You guys rock!
Today also kicks off Halloween Havoc, over at the League of Reluctant Adults.
It's a month-long celebration that will include interviews, guest blogs, and any other random miscellany we can come up with to entertain you. So be sure to hang out over there!
September ended on a high-note for me. Not only did I connect a couple of dots in my series's over-all story arc, but I also got my editorial letter for AS LIE THE DEAD! Double-score! Dear Editor loved it, said it was tight and well-executed. I've heard so many stories from other authors who've struggled with "second book syndrome" that I feel extremely lucky. ALTD was almost easier to write than TDTD--I think because I'd already built the world and laid out the groundwork. All I had to do in the sequel was expand upon what was there, instead of starting it all from scratch.
The trick, of course, was matching or surpassing the emotional impact of the first book, and sounds like I hit the mark. Phew! And Dear Editor's suggestions will make the book shine. The value of a terrific editor is impossible to put into words, but she is amazing and I can't wait to dig into this.
Plus, five pages of edits versus nine for TDTD? *pumps fist*
Monday, September 28, 2009
Countdown: September Contest
It's that time of the month again! Second to last Countdown contest for THREE DAYS TO DEAD, although certainly not the last contest I'll run. Just wait until I get my author copies. *g*
So I mentioned books in my last post. Books I will be giving away (not all at once). Here they are:

This contest's winner will receive four randomly selected books from that stack. As you can see, there are all kinds and lots of popular authors. There will also be a bonus prize (no, I'm not telling) with the books.
So what's the contest this month?
Y'all know I was at Dragon*Con earlier this month, and I had great fun snapping photos of all the folks in costume. Well, one night I caught this particular shot from across a hotel lobby, and it just makes me giggle every time I look at it.
It needs a good caption, folks! So...give me your caption ideas! Submit your captions in the comments section. Each caption is one entry, so if you submit six, you are entered six times in the drawing. Make them clever, make them funny, make them snarky! Just make them original!
The photo:

Entries will be accepted until Thursday night, 11:59 pm Pacific. So put your creative caps on and have at it!
It's that time of the month again! Second to last Countdown contest for THREE DAYS TO DEAD, although certainly not the last contest I'll run. Just wait until I get my author copies. *g*
So I mentioned books in my last post. Books I will be giving away (not all at once). Here they are:
This contest's winner will receive four randomly selected books from that stack. As you can see, there are all kinds and lots of popular authors. There will also be a bonus prize (no, I'm not telling) with the books.
So what's the contest this month?
Y'all know I was at Dragon*Con earlier this month, and I had great fun snapping photos of all the folks in costume. Well, one night I caught this particular shot from across a hotel lobby, and it just makes me giggle every time I look at it.
It needs a good caption, folks! So...give me your caption ideas! Submit your captions in the comments section. Each caption is one entry, so if you submit six, you are entered six times in the drawing. Make them clever, make them funny, make them snarky! Just make them original!
The photo:
Entries will be accepted until Thursday night, 11:59 pm Pacific. So put your creative caps on and have at it!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
New August Contest Winner & Future Contest Deets!
Alas, the original winner of the Countdown: August! Contest has gone missing, so I've drawn a new winner.
Congrats: UniquelyMoi! Email me [ mail@kellymeding.com ] your prize choices (any 3 in-stock mass market paperbacks) and I'll get them out to you.
On the September and October contest fronts, I've got a pretty neat prize packs accumulating. Every year for a few years now, my dad helps out after his local library's book sale is over by hauling away the leftovers. He knows a wonderful lady out my way who takes them off his hands. After helping him pack, haul, and unpack two van-loads of books (appox. 6000 or thereabouts), we still had a few boxes of paperbacks leftover that didn't fit. So instead of leaving them at the library, we went through them. Kept some. Tossed some.
I found some awesome titles in perfect shape hiding in amongst cracked spines and torn covers. Some I kept for myself (woot!), but also I will be giving away ten of them--urban fantasy, paranormal romance, historical romance, and SF. Names such as Briggs, Vincent, Green, Armstrong and Sizemore.
So stay tuned!
Congrats: UniquelyMoi! Email me [ mail@kellymeding.com ] your prize choices (any 3 in-stock mass market paperbacks) and I'll get them out to you.
On the September and October contest fronts, I've got a pretty neat prize packs accumulating. Every year for a few years now, my dad helps out after his local library's book sale is over by hauling away the leftovers. He knows a wonderful lady out my way who takes them off his hands. After helping him pack, haul, and unpack two van-loads of books (appox. 6000 or thereabouts), we still had a few boxes of paperbacks leftover that didn't fit. So instead of leaving them at the library, we went through them. Kept some. Tossed some.
I found some awesome titles in perfect shape hiding in amongst cracked spines and torn covers. Some I kept for myself (woot!), but also I will be giving away ten of them--urban fantasy, paranormal romance, historical romance, and SF. Names such as Briggs, Vincent, Green, Armstrong and Sizemore.
So stay tuned!
Friday, September 25, 2009
Prey - Spoilers!
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I only first picked up "Stray" last month, and once I received the rest of the books from Amazon, I dove into them, finally finishing with "Prey" last night. Finished it after lusting over the last 200 pages for five hours at work! Know when I had to put the book down and go to work? Right around the time Jace and Kaci came racing out of the woods. ARG!!!!
This is my favorite so far. The tension is high almost from the start, because of all the events of previous books, and it never relents until the final showdown. Faythe is pummeled, both literally and figuratively, from all directions in this one, and she's finally starting to grow up and act like the leader she's going to be.
One of the things I love the most about this series is that Ms. Vincent isn't afraid to punish her characters. Not just physically, but also emotionally. They don't always get what they want. There isn't always a happy outcome. But the characters persevere.
I like an author that makes the sacrifices for the sake of the story, so kudos for having the guts to kill off Ethan. And for having a deft writing hand and the ability to make the scenes afterward bleed with emotion and grief. Well done.
I am now with the rest of Ms. Vincent's fans, eagerly awaiting "Shift" next year.
View all my reviews >>
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Two Quickies
(it's not what you think)
First, my website is currently down for maintenance. Hopefully it will be back soon.
Second, TWO MORE MONTHS! Sixty days! Ack!
First, my website is currently down for maintenance. Hopefully it will be back soon.
Second, TWO MORE MONTHS! Sixty days! Ack!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Calling August Contest Winner!
Yes, I can be somewhat scatterbrained at times. Between Dragon*Con, recovering from Dragon*Con, and other crazy things, I neglected to realize that I never heard from the Countdown: August winner.
faerywitch! If you're out there, please contact me by Saturday (9/26). If I don't hear from you, I'll have to draw a new winner. :(
faerywitch! If you're out there, please contact me by Saturday (9/26). If I don't hear from you, I'll have to draw a new winner. :(
Monday, September 21, 2009
Top 3 Emmy Moments
Yes, I watched the Emmy Awards last night. I actually liked the new format, dividing the awards up by genre. I knew exactly when to take a snack break.
As expected, Neil Patrick Harris was an amazing host--funny and personal.
My top 3 moments:
3. Battlestar Galactica was included in the Drama Series clips, finally getting some mainstream love.

2. Angel and Bill. Together. On stage. In formal wear.
1. Dr. Horrible's Interruption
As expected, Neil Patrick Harris was an amazing host--funny and personal.
My top 3 moments:
3. Battlestar Galactica was included in the Drama Series clips, finally getting some mainstream love.
2. Angel and Bill. Together. On stage. In formal wear.
1. Dr. Horrible's Interruption
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Talk to Me
This is the post in which I open up the comments section to my blog readers and ask you: What Do You Want Me to Post About?
Sometimes I find things to blog about each and every day for a while. Sometimes the blog goes a week without a peep. It ebbs and flows according to my meatspace life and mental state, which is the same for many, many 'Net related things.
But I want to know--what do you guys want to see? What sort of posts do you like? Should I talk more about THREE DAYS TO DEAD? Less? More book reviews? Fewer book reviews? More discussion posts? More silly rants in which I make a goofball of myself?
Sound off and talk to me. I really am interested. You're my audience, and I want to keep the blog interesting for y'all.
Sometimes I find things to blog about each and every day for a while. Sometimes the blog goes a week without a peep. It ebbs and flows according to my meatspace life and mental state, which is the same for many, many 'Net related things.
But I want to know--what do you guys want to see? What sort of posts do you like? Should I talk more about THREE DAYS TO DEAD? Less? More book reviews? Fewer book reviews? More discussion posts? More silly rants in which I make a goofball of myself?
Sound off and talk to me. I really am interested. You're my audience, and I want to keep the blog interesting for y'all.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Night Owl Romance Top Pick!
Lookee what I have:

THREE DAYS TO DEAD received a 5/5 heart rating at Night Owl Romance!!!
I don't know what to say, except thank you, Leslee, for your generous and wonderful review. I am beyond thrilled and awed and extremely humbled by the advanced reviews TDTD has received so far. Sixty-nine more days!
THREE DAYS TO DEAD received a 5/5 heart rating at Night Owl Romance!!!
I don't know what to say, except thank you, Leslee, for your generous and wonderful review. I am beyond thrilled and awed and extremely humbled by the advanced reviews TDTD has received so far. Sixty-nine more days!
Monday, September 14, 2009
RIP, Patrick Swayze
One of my all-time favorite movies is Francis Ford Coppola's adaptation of "The Outsiders." It's a fabulous novel and a truly wonderful piece of cinema--especially the recently released extended version, which includes previously cut scenes and a new soundtrack.

I just watched this film a few weeks ago, for the bazillionth time, and was, as always, struck by the quality of acting from the cast of (then relatively unknown) actors. Including the portrayal of eldest brother Darryl Curtis, by Patrick Swayze. Equal parts angry caretaker and vulnerable sibling, he made the role his own.

Patrick made his mark with a varied career: a guerrilla teen warrior in "Red Dawn," a southern gentleman in "North & South," the sexiest dance instructor ever in "Dirty Dancing," and most recently in the A&E series "The Beast." He made clay sculpting into an erotic art form in "Ghost," and he made cross-dressing look easy in "Too Wong Foo."
Even after his twenty-month struggle with pancreatic cancer, I was shocked to hear Patrick passed away today. Shocked and truly saddened.
Rest in Peace.
I just watched this film a few weeks ago, for the bazillionth time, and was, as always, struck by the quality of acting from the cast of (then relatively unknown) actors. Including the portrayal of eldest brother Darryl Curtis, by Patrick Swayze. Equal parts angry caretaker and vulnerable sibling, he made the role his own.
Patrick made his mark with a varied career: a guerrilla teen warrior in "Red Dawn," a southern gentleman in "North & South," the sexiest dance instructor ever in "Dirty Dancing," and most recently in the A&E series "The Beast." He made clay sculpting into an erotic art form in "Ghost," and he made cross-dressing look easy in "Too Wong Foo."
Even after his twenty-month struggle with pancreatic cancer, I was shocked to hear Patrick passed away today. Shocked and truly saddened.
Rest in Peace.
"It's amazing Molly. The love inside, you take it with you."
--Sam Wheat, "Ghost"
Changing Seasons
Good grief, where did September go? No, seriously. Where? Two weeks into the month already, and I feel like it's still August (except for the chilly nights we've had recently). The weather is cooling off, it's getting dark sooner, and before I'm ready for it, the leaves will start to turn.
I think I'm partial to spring, rather than fall. In the spring, things are warming up, waking up, coming alive. In the fall, the world is cooling off and going to sleep. And it will officially be autumn in a week. *boggles*
Summer? Where, oh where did you go?
I think I'm partial to spring, rather than fall. In the spring, things are warming up, waking up, coming alive. In the fall, the world is cooling off and going to sleep. And it will officially be autumn in a week. *boggles*
Summer? Where, oh where did you go?
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Home Again
And very sad about this. I had so much fun at Dragon*Con! I am definitely going back next year.
Will, of course, post details and pix as soon as my brain un-fogs. The lack of sleep and deluge of bad food has made me somewhat fuzzy-brained today. Thank God I don't have to work the day job.
I think my cat missed me. She's been attached to my hip since I got home last night. Silly thing.
Coffee IV-drip, STAT!
Will, of course, post details and pix as soon as my brain un-fogs. The lack of sleep and deluge of bad food has made me somewhat fuzzy-brained today. Thank God I don't have to work the day job.
I think my cat missed me. She's been attached to my hip since I got home last night. Silly thing.
Coffee IV-drip, STAT!
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Away for the Weekend
As if anyone is surprised. I'm leaving early tomorrow to head to my parents' house. They've lovingly volunteered to drive me 3 hours to the airport, so I can fly to Atlanta, GA for DRAGON*CON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ye-haw! I'm am both excited and terrified. Thank God there are bars in the hotels. If anyone is about, be sure to stop by the New Blood panel on Friday morning and say hello!
There will be many pictures and updates when I get home. Well, maybe the day after I get home. So probably Tuesday.
Ye-haw! I'm am both excited and terrified. Thank God there are bars in the hotels. If anyone is about, be sure to stop by the New Blood panel on Friday morning and say hello!
There will be many pictures and updates when I get home. Well, maybe the day after I get home. So probably Tuesday.
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I was very lucky to get an e-ARC from the awesome Nicole Peeler, for her debut novel TEMPEST RISING.
Jane True is a fresh new voice among urban fantasy heroines. I don't want to say too much, for fear of spoilers, but if you want a book that's sassy, funny, and full of less-seen mythic critters, this one is for you. Be sure to pick it up come November!
View all my reviews >>
Monday, August 31, 2009
Contest Winner
Thank you, all, for the amazing responses to the Countdown: August! Contest. There were some great books mentioned--some I've read, some I've been meaning to. Plus a few I've not heard of. Yay!
Reminder of the prize: choice of 3 mass market paperbacks that are available in stock at either Amazon or BN (nothing out of print, nothing not yet in print).
And the winnah is....
Please email me your book choices by Wednesday of this week, if you can, because I'm leaving for Dragon*Con on Thursday. If I don't hear from you before I go, I won't be able to get them out to you until I get back early next week. :)
My email: mail (at) kellymeding.com
Thanks for playing, everyone!
Reminder of the prize: choice of 3 mass market paperbacks that are available in stock at either Amazon or BN (nothing out of print, nothing not yet in print).
And the winnah is....
Please email me your book choices by Wednesday of this week, if you can, because I'm leaving for Dragon*Con on Thursday. If I don't hear from you before I go, I won't be able to get them out to you until I get back early next week. :)
My email: mail (at) kellymeding.com
Thanks for playing, everyone!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Anthology Q at FFF
Wow, you guys! Such amazing responses so far on the Countdown: August! Contest. Just a reminder, it's open for comments until Sunday, 8/30.
Today, I asked a question about Anthologies, over at Fangs, Fur & Fey. Stop by and weigh in!
Today, I asked a question about Anthologies, over at Fangs, Fur & Fey. Stop by and weigh in!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Countdown: August! Contest
No worries, I didn't forget this month! I just haven't been online much this week. I've given myself a break from writing and decided to immerse in reading. Which has been fun, because I've read three books since Sunday--usually the max I can manage in a week, and it's only Thursday!
So far, I've read:
Red-Headed Stepchild, by Jaye Wells. I'm ashamed it took me this long to read my agency-sib's book, and feel equally dumb for putting it off because I enjoyed it so much. Hairless cats rule! So if you haven't read Jaye's book, what are you waiting for?
Stray, by Rachel Vincent. I'm equally ashamed to admit I bought this when it was first released. Why the wait? No idea. I've only heard good things about this series. But I finally read it (started it while waiting at the vet's with a cat, LOL!) and it was awesome. I was very annoyed my local bookstore didn't have any of the others in stock. I hate waiting!
The Darkest Whisper, by Gena Showalter. Devoured this, as with all the other Lords of the Underworld books. I can't get enough of this series. The side stories and subplots are continually as intriguing as the main couple's story, and the world continues to expand with each installment.
This one is simple. Tell me about the last three books you read, and you're entered in the drawing. Contest is open until Sunday evening, at which time I'll draw the winner.
Prize is three In-Stock Mass-Market paperbacks of your choice. Mass-market means the small books, usually priced between $6.99-7.99 retail. They must be current releases (I can't get not-yet-published or out-of-print books, sorry) and available in-stock from either Amazon or B&N.
So far, I've read:
Red-Headed Stepchild, by Jaye Wells. I'm ashamed it took me this long to read my agency-sib's book, and feel equally dumb for putting it off because I enjoyed it so much. Hairless cats rule! So if you haven't read Jaye's book, what are you waiting for?
Stray, by Rachel Vincent. I'm equally ashamed to admit I bought this when it was first released. Why the wait? No idea. I've only heard good things about this series. But I finally read it (started it while waiting at the vet's with a cat, LOL!) and it was awesome. I was very annoyed my local bookstore didn't have any of the others in stock. I hate waiting!
The Darkest Whisper, by Gena Showalter. Devoured this, as with all the other Lords of the Underworld books. I can't get enough of this series. The side stories and subplots are continually as intriguing as the main couple's story, and the world continues to expand with each installment.
This one is simple. Tell me about the last three books you read, and you're entered in the drawing. Contest is open until Sunday evening, at which time I'll draw the winner.
Prize is three In-Stock Mass-Market paperbacks of your choice. Mass-market means the small books, usually priced between $6.99-7.99 retail. They must be current releases (I can't get not-yet-published or out-of-print books, sorry) and available in-stock from either Amazon or B&N.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
First Chapter Online
I always stumble across this stuff and get all *SQUEE!* when I see it.
The first chapter of THREE DAYS TO DEAD is up at Barnes & Noble.com. So run on over if you want a sneak peek at what's coming soon!
Three more months. Ack!
The first chapter of THREE DAYS TO DEAD is up at Barnes & Noble.com. So run on over if you want a sneak peek at what's coming soon!
Three more months. Ack!
Friday, August 21, 2009
It's Amazing What You Find...
...when you randomly Google yourself.

The German translation of THREE DAYS TO DEAD, also known as "In drei Tagen bist du wieder tot," is available on the German/Europe version of eBay. Five copies. It makes me wonder, though, since it isn't scheduled for official release until 10/5.
After lack of sleep and a rousing morning with the plumbers pulling dryer sheets (yes, I said dryer sheets, and I blame the previous tenants) out of the main line, my day of oddball amusements continues.
The German translation of THREE DAYS TO DEAD, also known as "In drei Tagen bist du wieder tot," is available on the German/Europe version of eBay. Five copies. It makes me wonder, though, since it isn't scheduled for official release until 10/5.
After lack of sleep and a rousing morning with the plumbers pulling dryer sheets (yes, I said dryer sheets, and I blame the previous tenants) out of the main line, my day of oddball amusements continues.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
New Review & Other News
Wendy, at The Book Lush, has posted a terrific advance review of THREE DAYS TO DEAD. She has some wonderful things to say, and I am absolutely thrilled at the response TDTD has been getting.
Thanks, Wendy!
In other book news, work has begun on cover copy for AS LIE THE DEAD. Cover copy is the written stuff--all of the words you see and where they are placed, from the title and author's name, to back cover summary and blurbs. It's fun to see what they're using and where.
I also have a tentative release date for ALtD. I'll post it soon, but it's definitely Summer '10.
And I can't believe Dragon*Con is in two weeks!!!! Eep! I'm so excited to go and see so many fabulous authors (oh yeah, and actors and stuff). I don't remember if I mentioned it before, but I'm on a panel. Friday, 11:30 am, and I believe it's called "New Blood." I've already told Nicole Peeler that she's doing all my talking for me. Public speaking scares the crap out of me. *wibbles*
Thanks, Wendy!
In other book news, work has begun on cover copy for AS LIE THE DEAD. Cover copy is the written stuff--all of the words you see and where they are placed, from the title and author's name, to back cover summary and blurbs. It's fun to see what they're using and where.
I also have a tentative release date for ALtD. I'll post it soon, but it's definitely Summer '10.
And I can't believe Dragon*Con is in two weeks!!!! Eep! I'm so excited to go and see so many fabulous authors (oh yeah, and actors and stuff). I don't remember if I mentioned it before, but I'm on a panel. Friday, 11:30 am, and I believe it's called "New Blood." I've already told Nicole Peeler that she's doing all my talking for me. Public speaking scares the crap out of me. *wibbles*
Sunday, August 16, 2009
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This was didn't make a 5-star book for me because of the slow beginning. I started it six days ago, got about seventy pages in, and put it down. It took me five days to pick it back up. I was having a hard time seeing what was so special (other than the hook).
Doing my duty as an aunt and babysitting my infant niece last night, I had a block of four hours to sit down and read, so I took this book. And couldn't put it down. Once Katniss begins the steps that take her to the playing field, the story really kicks into high gear, and I was sucked back in.
And wow. I sobbed at least three times. It was impossible to forget that these were KIDS! which just added to the tragedy. The tension was wonderfully done throughout Parts 2 and 3, and the final solution to the Games was perfect.
Now that I've given the book a chance, I'm very eager for the sequel next month.
View all my reviews >>
Saturday, August 15, 2009
FOX's Peter Pan and the Pirates
Every once in a while, I'll go browsing around YouTube. It's amazing what you can find on it, and somehow I found myself watching the opening themes to half a dozen different cartoons I loved as a child (My Little Ponies, Jem, Gummi Bears, She-Ra, to name a few).
Then I thought about a show I adored during its first run: Peter Pan and the Pirates. I was completely in love with this show, as it came on right around the time I was really discovering Peter Pan--the Disney film, the novel, and a few of the other novels that have come out since.
I remember loving the opening theme music, and after hearing it again, I still do.
And apparently all 65 episodes are available online.
Must. Resist. Time. Sink.
What old shows do you find yourself wanting to go back and re-experience?
Then I thought about a show I adored during its first run: Peter Pan and the Pirates. I was completely in love with this show, as it came on right around the time I was really discovering Peter Pan--the Disney film, the novel, and a few of the other novels that have come out since.
I remember loving the opening theme music, and after hearing it again, I still do.
And apparently all 65 episodes are available online.
Must. Resist. Time. Sink.
What old shows do you find yourself wanting to go back and re-experience?
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Oh, For Frak's Sake!
Anyone who dares to tackle yet another re-imagining of "Battlestar Galactica" has either got a pair of brass ones, or he's a lunatic. Stark raving mad.

After the critically acclaimed run of Ron Moore's BSG on the SciFi Channel (I refuse to admit to such a thing as SyFy), the need to succeed at bringing the franchise to the big screen is enormous. There are millions of dedicated fans to not impress, but blow away. Oh yes, this film Bryan Singer is developing will have to be something extra special good to appeal to the fans of the new show.
Granted, there are fans of the original 1978 series who thumbed their noses at Moore's vision, and who've yet to give the new series a chance. Perhaps Singer hopes to appeal to those fans? I dunno. Maybe.

The SciFi series had it's flaws, to be sure, but those flaws were far overshadowed by a series rife with excellent narrative, superb acting, amazing special effects, and moving, emotional storylines. I'm sure some folks will argue with this assessment, but to me, as far as television shows go, BSG was pretty darn close to perfect.
I'll be keeping an eye on this as it develops, trust me.
After the critically acclaimed run of Ron Moore's BSG on the SciFi Channel (I refuse to admit to such a thing as SyFy), the need to succeed at bringing the franchise to the big screen is enormous. There are millions of dedicated fans to not impress, but blow away. Oh yes, this film Bryan Singer is developing will have to be something extra special good to appeal to the fans of the new show.
Granted, there are fans of the original 1978 series who thumbed their noses at Moore's vision, and who've yet to give the new series a chance. Perhaps Singer hopes to appeal to those fans? I dunno. Maybe.
The SciFi series had it's flaws, to be sure, but those flaws were far overshadowed by a series rife with excellent narrative, superb acting, amazing special effects, and moving, emotional storylines. I'm sure some folks will argue with this assessment, but to me, as far as television shows go, BSG was pretty darn close to perfect.
I'll be keeping an eye on this as it develops, trust me.
Monday, August 10, 2009
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This one is definitely going into my Top 10 So Far list.
I admit, it's my first foray into historical romance in at least a decade. I was inspired to pick it up by a review from the Book Smugglers blog, and I am so grateful.
It was beautifully written, and had a sweet and satisfying love story that, while ending with the promise of an HEA, didn't tie it up in a neat little bow. They had to work for it.
I'll also admit to a weakness for damaged heroes (as my best friend, who's read all of my unpublished books, can attest to), and Nick certainly fit the bill, hurting hard beneath a jovial exterior.
Definitely recommend.
View all my reviews >>
Sunday, August 09, 2009
Song Specific
When I was writing THREE DAYS TO DEAD, I had a specific compilation of music I played over and over. It's a mix of songs with lyrics and scores. Songs often popped up that remind of situations and themes. There are songs that remind me of Evy, and songs that make me think of specific scenes in the novel. But I never had one that, to me, screamed WYATT!
Wyatt Truman, the hero of TDTD, is such a complicated, reticent guy, that I didn't really get a handle on him until writing AS LIE THE DEAD. He was finally forced to face some metaphorical demons and, as goofy as this always sounds to non-writers, I finally learned more about him.
The other day, I was stuck in a traffic detour around a 2-lane accident (my third, accident-related detour in 2.5 weeks, no less). I was flipping stations, trying to get a traffic report, and hit on a song that stopped me cold. It was the chorus that hit a chord in me. I know I'd heard the song before, but I couldn't place it. As soon as I got home (an hour and a half later), I Googled.
And found it. Wyatt's song.
Wyatt Truman, the hero of TDTD, is such a complicated, reticent guy, that I didn't really get a handle on him until writing AS LIE THE DEAD. He was finally forced to face some metaphorical demons and, as goofy as this always sounds to non-writers, I finally learned more about him.
The other day, I was stuck in a traffic detour around a 2-lane accident (my third, accident-related detour in 2.5 weeks, no less). I was flipping stations, trying to get a traffic report, and hit on a song that stopped me cold. It was the chorus that hit a chord in me. I know I'd heard the song before, but I couldn't place it. As soon as I got home (an hour and a half later), I Googled.
And found it. Wyatt's song.
Friday, August 07, 2009
Three Days to Dead - First Review!
Remember how I said knowing review copies were going out, that it made the whole process feel more real? Wanna know how it feels to see the first review of your book show up online?
Frakkin unreal! And fantastic!
The very generous Rachael, from Enchanted by Books, has posted her thoughts on THREE DAYS TO DEAD, and I couldn't be more ecstatic.
Check it out!
Frakkin unreal! And fantastic!
The very generous Rachael, from Enchanted by Books, has posted her thoughts on THREE DAYS TO DEAD, and I couldn't be more ecstatic.
Check it out!
Wednesday, August 05, 2009
In Two Months....
...my book will be for sale in Germany.
Thinking about this continues to crack me up. The (mis)adventures of Evy Stone and Company will available across the pond a full month and 19 days before it releases here in the States (and Canada and the UK). And it's fitting, in a way, me being a little more than a quarter German (my dad's half, and there's some on my mom's side, too).

So YAY! for the Germany release countdown!
Thinking about this continues to crack me up. The (mis)adventures of Evy Stone and Company will available across the pond a full month and 19 days before it releases here in the States (and Canada and the UK). And it's fitting, in a way, me being a little more than a quarter German (my dad's half, and there's some on my mom's side, too).
So YAY! for the Germany release countdown!
Tuesday, August 04, 2009
Posting at the League
Today I have a discussion post up at the League of Reluctant Adults, called Twisting the Classics.
Please stop by and weigh in!
Please stop by and weigh in!
Monday, August 03, 2009
A Present in the Mail
Last week, a good friend who works in a Calgary library emailed and said she'd found something on her desk. It was a cover flat for THREE DAYS TO DEAD that had been sent to her library, and did I want it?
Um, YES!
It arrived this morning, and it's absolutely gorgeous. It's hard to photograph something with a shiny finish, so the colors aren't as vivid in the photo as they are on the cover. The details of the background are amazing. I'm tempted to wrap it around another paperback just TO SEE, but I don't want to bend its loveliness.

The back has a little ad for the second book, as well as book/ordering information, marketing, and notes about already selling German rights. SQUEE!
After fighting with the internet all morning, this was a great way to get rid of the Monday blahs. Thanks so much, Marie-Anne! You are the best!
Um, YES!
It arrived this morning, and it's absolutely gorgeous. It's hard to photograph something with a shiny finish, so the colors aren't as vivid in the photo as they are on the cover. The details of the background are amazing. I'm tempted to wrap it around another paperback just TO SEE, but I don't want to bend its loveliness.
The back has a little ad for the second book, as well as book/ordering information, marketing, and notes about already selling German rights. SQUEE!
After fighting with the internet all morning, this was a great way to get rid of the Monday blahs. Thanks so much, Marie-Anne! You are the best!
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