Saturday, January 14, 2012

Giveaway: Wrong Side of Dead


A box of author copies of WRONG SIDE OF DEAD landed yesterday, so I'm giving some away. Because let's face it, I've read it and I don't need this many. The giveaway is open until late Monday, January 16th. I'll randomly select 5 (five) winners on Tuesday.

Yes, I said five winners. Five signed copies are up for grabs, so tell your friends.


How do you enter? Leave a comment on this post telling me which Dreg City character (except for Evy, who's kind of a gimme) you're most looking forward to reading more about in WRONG SIDE OF DEAD.

Ready? Go!


JenniferK said...

For me, I would love to read more about Wyatt and Phin. Your secondary characters are great and make each new installment of the series worth reading.

Adam said...

Phin! Assuming he makes it to the end of book three (no spoilers!!!)

If he doesn't, definitely Kismet. ;)


poisnivyred said...

Well if I can't pick Evy, I must say Wyatt!

Poisnivyred AT

Ink and Bone said...

I'm sooo hoping for some more Kismet!

StacyUFI said...

Im interested in seeing what happens with Wyatt.


Bea said...

I'm torn between Phin and Kismet. But really, more about any of them is good.

Alexia561 said...

Wyatt for sure! Can't wait to see what happens next!

alexia561@yahoo dot com

June said...

More about Phin.

Unknown said...

Ummmm... no Evy!? That's just cruel *winks*. I suppose Wyatt, but I think I got behind in my reading. I just love this series.

robin (at) intensewhisper (dot) com

Barbara E. said...

I think I'll choose Phin, but really, I can't wait to read about Wyatt and Evy too. :D

@djlatty1 said...

I want to see Phin come through and show Evy his wild side. ;)

Angie said...

Phin! :D

Debi Murray said...

Phin for the win! Seriously, I want to know what happens to all of them.

This would be a great birthday goes without saying. LOL!

ruth said...

Umm...Wyatt...I love the flashback scenes just good reading

N.L. Hoffmann said...

Wyatt!!!!! Too bad he's just a character. He's everything you could want. Lol love your books, yo! (my attempt to be gangsta)

Kitt said...

Wyatt! I heart him with all the heartiest heartness a heart could heart. <3

Pamk said...

Hands down Wyatt

Ariadna said...

Most definitely, Phin ;)

BWest said...

I'm looking at seeing more about Wyatt.

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Definitely Wyatt!!

Terra T said...

Its all about Phin! He's friggin amazing, always maes me smile

Almira said...

I'm honesty a big fan of Wyatt, he's just such a great character. But I also have a bit of a thing for Phin. Love them both and I really can't wait till this book.

booklover 31 said...

If not Evy then probably Phin. Thanks for doing this by the way, it's so cool.

Trisha said...

Mmm.. Kismet!

Barb Rude said...

Thanks for running the contest.

Phin, all the way.

Bethany C. said...

I think I'll go with Phin- awesome contest!


Carol M. said...

Kelly, thanks for the cool contest!

THis is a hard question. Wyatt, of course, but I'd also like to hear more about some of the characters we only see occasionally (some of the vampires).

Anonymous said...

I'd love to read more about Max. Gargoyles are so awesome and they aren't written about enough. :)

Jenna said...

Wyatt! Though all of the characters are great- Wyatt just gets to me the most.

Calliope said...

Oh, squee! After the ending of ANOTHER KIND OF DEAD of been dying to know what happens next, especially with Wyatt and Evy's relationship and the fallout from whatever it was Wyatt did when he thought Evy dead...again (although at this point he really should know better).

Mike said...

Phin!!! im not done with AKOD yet, so I dont know what happens.

piseogabui said...

It would be Isleen.
I really missed her from the last book and I was really intriqued by her's and Evy's relationship in the 2nd book. Hope she pops up in Wrong Side of Dead

Paris said...

Would it be cheap to say all of the above? I would definitely have to say Wyatt, I think the way things ended in book 3 will lead to some complications that I can't wait to explore. I cannot wait to read Wrong Side of the Dead!

Qwill said...

WYATT!!!!!!! I mean Wyatt. ;)

RMerrick said...

Isleen - intriguing and still very much a mystery.

esperanza said...

I am interested to learn more about Rufus. Since everything that's happened I am really interested to find out what he's really doing and how his association with Phin takes him.

athlios said...

Looking forward to seeing more of WYATT.

Mardel said...

Oh man, this is going to sound bad. I read the first book and loved it very much. Bought the second and haven't gotten to it yet, and now I can't remember character's names. However, I do know I want to read the second and the third, and want to know what's going to happen to ALL the characters. Do I still get to enter? *g*
LOL - At least I've been buying the books when they come out, even though I haven't read the last yet (I have the rest of Kelly Gay's books, Lilith Saintcrow's books, and Patricia Briggs, so you're in good company up there on my TBR shelf)

by the way - great covers

Rebs @ Book-Rants said...


Anya said...

For me definitely it would be Phin and Wyatt!! And can I say YAY for you giving us a chance to win a signed copy. Hell, this deserve a double YAY! YAY!!

anya dot sandoval at yahoo dot com

Adelle said...

Darn haven'r read these books yet, now I'm going to, looks great!

DhesiX said...

My fav is Wyatt! So i choose him

rea0903 at gmail dot com

Jerrilynn said...

Definitely Wyatt!!

Kelli said...

I'd have to pick Wyatt! Tbh, I'd probably pick him over Evy anyway! :)


kylie said...

I don't think I'm alone in saying Phin! Wyatt would be nice but he's closely linked to Evy so I guess that doesn't yes, definitely Phin.


Erin W said...

Phin, of course, but also Max and Smedge.

Violet said...

I really want to get to know Phin better!! He's probably my favorite besides Evy. :)