Thursday, November 19, 2009

Cat & Muse, A Winner, and Other Things

I very much meant to blog about this stuff yesterday, but a minor cat crisis stole my evening and my concentration. Anya is fine now, so no worries. But after what happened to my other cat, Hannah, last summer, I'm admittedly very paranoid. :)

So what else is happening?

1. Well, the deadline for entering the drawing for the Charlie Madigan interview was yesterday. has spoken, and the winner of four books (signed copies of THREE DAYS TO DEAD & THE BETTER PART OF DARKNESS, plus a surprise book from each of us) is:

Wanda! Email me { mail(at) } with your mailing address. Congrats!

And of course, everyone who commented is also entered to win the GRAND PRIZE of the 2K Giveaway!

2. You guys know what Cat & Muse is, right? The awesome radio talk show run by former succubus Jezebel, and overseen by super-talented author Jackie Kessler? Well, Evy had the unique experience of appearing on Cat & Muse, and the interview is now posted. So for everyone who enjoyed Charlie's interview with Evy, run over and see what she had to say to Jez!

She left Jez speechless! Woot! *evil grin*

3. I also have an interview up with Stephanie, at Juiciliciousss Reviews, as well as a giveaway (books! swag! fun Post-It's!). I chat about writing, my favorite character in THREE DAYS TO DEAD, and other exciting things. So stop by and leave a comment!

4. I also have a fun surprise coming for readers. I'll blog specifically about this tomorrow, but I'll leave you with a few hints: short stories,, free. *g*

Don't forget to enter the 2K GRAND PRIZE giveaway, if you haven't! It's super easy! Just email me with the heading "Enter Me!" and you're entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card. See? Super simple!

Five more days! Squeee!


laughingwolf said...

hi kelly

entered your contest

nazdarovja ;)

Tez Miller said...

Which cat takes up residence on the laundry heap - Anya, Hannah, or another cat entirely?

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly :)
Thank you for the update post.
I loved the interview between Evy & Jez.
Love & Best Wishes,

Kelly Meding/Kelly Meade said...

laughingwolf, thanks for entering!

Tez - that would be Anya. Hannah passed away in July 08. Hannah's favorite place to sleep was on my desk, right under my lamp. Silly girl. Anya just likes clothing. :)

RK - Good to see you!

Tez Miller said...

Hannah used your lamp as a solarium?! ;-)

Kelly Meding/Kelly Meade said...

Yep. I have some adorable pictures of her sitting with her head beneath the lampshade, just soaking up the heat. She was a goofy cat. :)