Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Launch Day!!!

It's official. I'm a published author, and I am in bookstores. *dances*


There were sightings yesterday of THREE DAYS TO DEAD in two different Barnes & Nobles. My heart did a little pitter-patter when an online acquaintance sent me a picture of their shiny new purchase.

What am I doing to celebrate? Buying groceries for Thanksgiving dinner.

No, seriously. After that, the day is mine.

Be sure to check out the lovely and hilarious Nicole Peeler's site for a chance to win a free copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD. You'll have an extra copy to give to a friend, since you've already bought one, right? Right???

Also, the incomparable Jeaniene Frost is giving away a signed copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD on her blog! Jeaniene was kind enough to blurb my book and had wonderful things to say about it. So if you want to double your chances, check them both out!

If you haven't read anything by Nicole or Jeaniene, what the hell are you waiting for???

The last part of my short story "The Hoarder" is being posted today on Suvudu.com. If you've been following along (or waiting for the conclusion to read the entire thing at once, and I don't blame you) please comment and let me know what you think. A brand-new story, "Pride Before Fall," starts tomorrow!

What was that? Something about a GRAND PRIZE winner?


Oh yes, we have a winner!

All of the entries have been collected (more than 85 total). Many of them were repeats--smart folks who participated in multiple ways. All entries were tossed into a hat (okay, not really a hat, it's a large glass jar), shaken and shimmied about to ensure proper mixing.

And the winner is.....


For her comment on the Charlie Madigan Interview posted on Organized Chaos! Email me your information [mail (at) kellymeding.com] and we'll get that Amazon gift card out to you! Congratulations, and thank you everyone for playing along!!!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Kelly!
Today you are a Published Author.
A long-held dream has been realized.
Your words will bring delight to many readers.
Love & Best Wishes on your Release Day!

Melanie Hooyenga said...


Zonk said...

I would pay MONEY to see your face the first time you walk into a bookstore and see TDTD on the shelf, lol.

I am so happy for you!

:D :D :D

Elaine G said...

Congrats Kelly!!Happy release day!!!

And Congrats to jeanette8042

Mardel said...

Must be a great (and yet kind of scary) feeling to know now your books are out there for the masses. Congratulations on having your first book published.

Barbara E. said...

Happy release day Kelly! I hope you get to do something fun to celebrate. I can't wait to pick up my copy of Three Days To Dead, I know I'm going to enjoy it.

Abigail said...

Congrats! I just got my copy today. Can't wait to read more Evy.

alanajoli said...

Happy book birthday!!!!

Congrats to your winner, as well. :) I hope you had a wonderful release day and have had a very Happy Thanksgiving!

Tyhitia Green said...

Congratulations on being a published author. :-D And I'm buying a copy for my best friend for Christmas. ;-) And a few others.