Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Winner, New Stuff and Spiders

The winner of the 2K Quiz has been announced over at Enchanted by Books. Thanks to all who stopped by and guessed!

Want to hear something funny? When Kelly Gay and I came up with the November 2K event, we knew we'd be sharing a lot of things--release dates, first names, blogging engagements, etc... Neither one of us expected to share a cold. We've never even met, and yet we're both sick. How flippin' scary is that?

Be sure to stop back by on Thursday, for the next leg of our 2K Event. The heroine of The Better Part of Darkness, Charlie Madigan, will be stopping by for an in-depth interview, hosted by my very own wild child, Evy Stone. Trust me, you don't want to miss it!

And on a completely nonsensical tangent, I had a little yellow spider trapped between the clear plastic cover and the gauges on my dashboard. It kept running across it, on the inside, upside down, really FAST! I hate spiders, and it was soooo creepy knowing I couldn't reach in and kill it. In my car! Fortunately, about two-thirds of the way home, the icky thing found its way out and I smashed it with a McDonald's napkin. Woot!

Not to jinx myself or anything, but we're switching from Verizon to Comcast high-speed tomorrow morning (sarcastic YAY for 7am windows of arrival). The last time we tried this, we lacked internet for a week. Keep your fingers crossed that I don't disappear...


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly
Thanks for the update post.
I hope you get better soon.
Love & Best Wishes,
PS - *crossing fingers*

Tyhitia Green said...

I hope that you have continued Internet coverage.:-D

And I don't care about spiders. They don't bother me at all. If you lived in the woods where I live, you would have no choice but to get along with them. **insert evil laugh**

Zonk said...


Two people who have never met, and share a number of things in common, suddenly develop the same infection...and then another pair, and another, and another...

Thanks for the great novel idea :P

O, and as for spiders, we have lots down here, I could go out i my yard and the bush around my house and come back with dozens of Black Widows and Tarantulas.


A spider that follows you around, in your car, in your house, but can't be caught - another interesting idea, lol.

Seriously, your obvious delight in what is happening with your career just now is so enjoyable to follow. I look forward to reading all of your many series *grins*

:D :D :D

Kelly Meding/Kelly Meade said...

Zonk, I want to read those stories when you're done. ;-)

Internet installation went off without a hitch. Woot!