Monday, November 23, 2009

Zero Day

There's something altogether exciting and terrifying about looking at that countdown widget and realizing the DAYS column says 0. Big fat zero. Only hours left.

The good news is Amazon seems to be shipping Pre-orders of THREE DAYS TO DEAD, so yay!


Today is the last day to enter the GRAND PRIZE GIVEAWAY!!!! If you haven't already commented in either the 2K Quiz, the Charlie Madigan interview, or the Evy Stone interview, and you still want a chance to win a $100 Amazon gift card, send me an email with the header: Enter Me! If you've already commented on all three, you can still send me that email! We're giving lots of chances to win!

I have a new interview up at Number One Novels today, so stop by and comment for a chance to win a signed copy of THREE DAYS TO DEAD. I'm talking about character names and why Joss Whedon is my patron saint of writing.

"The Hoarder" short story serial continues. Part 3 and Part 4 are posted, and be sure to tune in tomorrow for the conclusion to the serial!

In a completely non-book note, I've been rewatching one of my favorite TV shows from the nineties. How remembers "The Pretender?"


A genius named Jared who could be anyone he wanted to be, chased by the cold-hearted Miss Parker who had deeper issues than anyone thought. Sydney, Broots, Mr. Raines, Lyle...great, great cast of characters on this show. I've had the entire series on DVD for a while now, but just yesterday I put in Season One, Disc One, and have been half-watching the show while doing other things. And it's been great fun re-discovering it. Watching Jared discover new things with the fascination of a child--Oreos, Pez, roach motels, Curious George, ice cream--is one of the best things about the show. It died off in later seasons as Jared became more worldly, but in the first half of the first season, his innocence is refreshing.


Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly :)
Thank you for sharing The Hoarder.
I'm looking forward to Release Day tomorrow.
Love & Best Wishes,

Unknown said...

Love The Pretender. Got the first couple seasons on DVD. So much fun

Unknown said...

Best Wishes tomorrow Kelly!